Source code for omnipose.plot

from . import core, utils

from numba import njit

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import types

import numpy as np
from matplotlib.backend_bases import GraphicsContextBase, RendererBase
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
from matplotlib.transforms import Bbox
from matplotlib.path import Path

class GC(GraphicsContextBase):
    def __init__(self):
        self._capstyle = 'round'

[docs]def custom_new_gc(self): return GC()
[docs]def plot_edges(shape,affinity_graph,neighbors,coords, figsize=1,fig=None,ax=None, extent=None, slc=None, pic=None, edgecol=[.75]*3+[.5],linewidth=0.15,step_inds=None, cmap='inferno',origin='lower',bounds=None): nstep,npix = affinity_graph.shape coords = tuple(coords) indexes, neigh_inds, ind_matrix = utils.get_neigh_inds(tuple(neighbors),coords,shape) if step_inds is None: step_inds = np.arange(nstep) px_inds = np.arange(npix) edge_list = core.affinity_to_edges(affinity_graph.astype(bool), neigh_inds, step_inds, px_inds) aff_coords = np.array(coords).T segments = np.stack([[aff_coords[:,::-1][e]+0.5 for e in edge] for edge in edge_list]) # segments = np.stack([[aff_coords[e]+0.5 for e in edge] for edge in edge_list]) RendererBase.new_gc = types.MethodType(custom_new_gc, RendererBase) newfig = fig is None and ax is None if newfig: if type(figsize) is not (list or tuple): figsize = (figsize,figsize) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) # ax.invert_yaxis() if extent is None: extent = np.array([0,shape[1],0,shape[0]]) nopic = pic is None if nopic: summed_affinity = np.zeros(shape,dtype=int) summed_affinity[coords] = np.sum(affinity_graph,axis=0) # print(np.unique(summed_affinity)) # c = sinebow(8) # colors = np.array(list(c.values())) # affinity_cmap = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(colors) # colors = mpl.colormaps.get_cmap(cmap).reversed()(np.linspace(-1,1,8)) colors = mpl.colormaps.get_cmap(cmap).reversed()(np.linspace(0,1,9)) # colors = mpl.colormaps.get_cmap(cmap)(np.linspace(0,1,8)) colors = np.vstack((np.array([0]*4),colors)) affinity_cmap = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(colors) pic = affinity_cmap(summed_affinity) # # Generate random values between 0.5 and 1 # random_values = np.random.uniform(.75, 1, size=(len(segments),)) # # Multiply base_color by random values # colors = edgecol * random_values[:, np.newaxis] colors = edgecol ax.imshow(pic[slc] if slc is not None else pic, extent=extent,origin=origin) line_segments = LineCollection(segments, color=colors,linewidths=linewidth) # if bounds is None: # line_segments = LineCollection(segments, color=colors,linewidths=linewidth) # # if bounds is not None: # # clip_rect = Rectangle((bounds[0], bounds[1]), bounds[2], bounds[3]) # # clip_rect.set_transform(ax.transData) # # line_segments.set_clip_path(clip_rect) # else: # # Create a bounding box that defines the extent # bbox = Bbox.from_extents(bounds[0], bounds[1], bounds[0]+bounds[2], bounds[1]+bounds[3]) # # Create a path for each line segment and clip it to the bounding box # clipped_segments = [Path(seg).clip_to_bbox(bbox).to_polygons() for seg in segments] # # Create a line collection with the clipped segments # line_segments = LineCollection(clipped_segments) ax.add_collection(line_segments) if newfig: plt.axis('off') ax.invert_yaxis() if nopic: return summed_affinity, affinity_cmap
[docs]def sinebow(N,bg_color=[0,0,0,0], offset=0): """ Generate a color dictionary for use in visualizing N-colored labels. Background color defaults to transparent black. Parameters ---------- N: int number of distinct colors to generate (excluding background) bg_color: ndarray, list, or tuple of length 4 RGBA values specifying the background color at the front of the dictionary. Returns -------------- Dictionary with entries {int:RGBA array} to map integer labels to RGBA colors. """ colordict = {0:bg_color} for j in range(N): k = j+offset angle = k*2*np.pi / (N) r = ((np.cos(angle)+1)/2) g = ((np.cos(angle+2*np.pi/3)+1)/2) b = ((np.cos(angle+4*np.pi/3)+1)/2) colordict.update({j+1:[r,g,b,1]}) return colordict
# @njit # def colorize(im,colors=None,color_weights=None,offset=0): # N = len(im) # if colors is None: # angle = np.arange(0,1,1/N)*2*np.pi+offset # angles = np.stack((angle,angle+2*np.pi/3,angle+4*np.pi/3),axis=-1) # colors = (np.cos(angles)+1)/2 # if color_weights is not None: # colors *= color_weights # rgb = np.zeros((im.shape[1], im.shape[2], 3)) # for i in range(N): # for j in range(3): # rgb[..., j] += im[i] * colors[i, j] # rgb /= N # return rgb # @njit
[docs]def colorize(im, colors=None, color_weights=None, offset=0, channel_axis=-1): N = len(im) if colors is None: angle = np.arange(0, 1, 1/N) * 2 * np.pi + offset angles = np.stack((angle, angle + 2 * np.pi / 3, angle + 4 * np.pi / 3), axis=-1) colors = (np.cos(angles) + 1) / 2 if color_weights is not None: colors *= np.expand_dims(color_weights,-1) rgb_shape = im.shape[1:] + (colors.shape[1],) if channel_axis == 0: rgb_shape = rgb_shape[::-1] rgb = np.zeros(rgb_shape) # Use broadcasting to multiply im and colors and sum along the 0th dimension rgb = (np.expand_dims(im, axis=-1) * colors.reshape(colors.shape[0], 1, 1, colors.shape[1])).mean(axis=0) return rgb
import torch
[docs]def colorize_GPU(im, colors=None, color_weights=None, offset=0,channel_axis=-1): N = im.shape[0] device = im.device if colors is None: angle = torch.linspace(0, 1, N, device=device) * 2 * np.pi + offset angles = torch.stack((angle, angle + 2 * np.pi / 3, angle + 4 * np.pi / 3), dim=-1) colors = (torch.cos(angles) + 1) / 2 if color_weights is not None: colors *= color_weights.unsqueeze(-1) rgb_shape = im.shape[1:]+(colors.shape[1],) if channel_axis == 0: rgb_shape = tuple(rgb_shape[::-1]) rgb = torch.zeros(rgb_shape, device=device) # Use broadcasting to multiply im and colors and sum along the 0th dimension rgb = (im.unsqueeze(-1) * colors.view(colors.shape[0], 1, 1, colors.shape[1])).mean(dim=0) return rgb
import ncolor
[docs]def apply_ncolor(masks,offset=0,cmap=None,max_depth=20,expand=True): m,n = ncolor.label(masks, max_depth=max_depth, return_n=True, conn=2, expand=expand) if cmap is None: c = sinebow(n,offset=offset) colors = np.array(list(c.values())) cmap = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(colors) return cmap(m) else: return cmap(utils.rescale(m))
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import ImageGrid import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
[docs]def imshow(imgs, figsize=2, ax=None, hold=False, titles=None, title_size=None, spacing=0.05, textcolor=[0.5]*3, dpi=300, **kwargs): text_scale = 10 if isinstance(imgs, list): if titles is None: titles = [None] * len(imgs) if title_size is None: title_size = figsize / len(imgs) * text_scale fig = plt.figure(figsize=(figsize * len(imgs), figsize),frameon=False, facecolor = [0]*4) grid = ImageGrid(fig, 111, nrows_ncols=(1, len(imgs)), axes_pad=spacing, share_all=True) for ax, img, title in zip(grid, imgs, titles): ax.imshow(img, **kwargs) ax.axis("off") ax.set_frame_on(False) ax.set_facecolor([0]*4) if title is not None: ax.set_title(title, fontsize=title_size,color=textcolor) else: if type(figsize) is not (list or tuple): figsize = (figsize, figsize) if title_size is None: title_size = figsize[0] * text_scale if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(frameon=False, figsize=figsize, facecolor =[0]*4,dpi=dpi) else: hold = True ax.imshow(imgs, **kwargs) ax.axis("off") if titles is not None: ax.set_title(titles, fontsize=title_size, color=textcolor) if not hold:
# def get_cmap(masks): # lut = ncolor.get_lut(masks) # c = sinebow(lut.max()) # colors = [c[l] for l in lut] # cmap = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(colors) # return cmap # @njit() # def rgb_flow(dP,transparency=False,mask=None,norm=False): # """ dP is 2 x Y x X => 'optic' flow representation # Parameters # ------------- # dP: NDarray, float # Flow field component stack [B,dy,dx] # transparency: bool, default False # magnitude of flow controls opacity, not lightness (clear background) # mask: 2D array # Multiplies each RGB component to suppress noise # """ # mag = np.sqrt(np.sum(dP**2,axis=1)) # if norm: # mag = np.clip(utils.normalize99(mag), 0, 1.).astype(np.float32) # angles = np.arctan2(dP[:,1], dP[:,0])+np.pi # a = 2 # r = ((np.cos(angles)+1)/a) # g = ((np.cos(angles+2*np.pi/3)+1)/a) # b = ((np.cos(angles+4*np.pi/3)+1)/a) # if transparency: # im = np.stack((r,g,b,mag),axis=-1) # else: # im = np.stack((r*mag,g*mag,b*mag),axis=-1) # if mask is not None and transparency and dP.shape[0]<3: # im[...,-1] *= mask # im = (np.clip(im, 0, 1) * 255).astype(np.uint8) # return im # from numba import jit # @jit(nopython=True) # @njit() # def rgb_flow(dP, transparency=True, mask=None, norm=True): # mag = np.sqrt(np.sum(dP**2,axis=1)).reshape(1, -1) # vecs = dP[:,0] + dP[:,1]*1j # roots = np.exp(1j * np.pi * (2 * np.arange(3) / 3 +1)) # rgb = (np.real(roots * vecs.reshape(-1, 1) / np.max(mag)).T + 1 ) / 2 # if norm: # # mag = np.clip(utils.normalize99(mag), 0, 1.).astype(np.float32) # mag -= np.min(mag) # mag /= np.max(mag) # shape = dP.shape # newshape = (shape[0], shape[3], shape[2], 3+transparency) # # newshape = (shape[0], shape[2], shape[3], 3+transparency) # if transparency: # im = np.concatenate((rgb, mag), axis=0) # else: # im = rgb * mag # im = (np.clip(im.T.reshape(newshape), 0, 1) * 255).astype(np.uint8) # # im = np.swapaxes(im,1,2) # return im # @njit() # def rgb_flow(dP, transparency=True, mask=None, norm=True): # mag = np.sqrt(np.sum(dP**2,axis=1)) # vecs = dP[:,0] + dP[:,1]*1j # roots = np.exp(1j * np.pi * (2 * np.arange(3) / 3 +1)).reshape((1, 1, 1, -1)) # rgb = (np.real(vecs[...,None]*roots / np.max(mag)) + 1 ) / 2 # if norm: # mag -= np.min(mag) # mag /= np.max(mag) # shape = dP.shape # newshape = (shape[0], shape[2], shape[3], 3+transparency) # print(rgb.shape,newshape, mag.shape, vecs.shape) # if transparency: # im = np.empty(newshape) # im[..., :3] = rgb # im[..., 3] = mag # else: # im = rgb * mag # im = (np.clip(im, 0, 1) * 255).astype(np.uint8) # return im import torch
[docs]def rgb_flow(dP, transparency=True, mask=None, norm=True, device=torch.device('cpu')): """Meant for stacks of dP, unsqueeze if using on a single plane.""" if isinstance(dP,torch.Tensor): device = dP.device else: dP = torch.from_numpy(dP).to(device) mag = utils.torch_norm(dP,dim=1) vecs = dP[:,0] + dP[:,1]*1j roots = torch.exp(1j * np.pi * (2 * torch.arange(3, device=device) / 3 +1)) rgb = (torch.real(vecs.unsqueeze(-1)*roots.view(1, 1, 1, -1) / torch.max(mag)) + 1 ) / 2 # f = 1.5 # rgb /= f # rgb += (1-1/f)/2 if norm: mag -= torch.min(mag) mag /= torch.max(mag) if transparency: im =, mag[..., None]), dim=-1) else: im = rgb * mag[..., None] im = (torch.clamp(im, 0, 1) * 255).type(torch.uint8) return im
from skimage import img_as_ubyte from skimage import color from skimage.segmentation import find_boundaries
[docs]def create_colormap(image, labels): """ Create a colormap based on the average color of each label in the image. Parameters ---------- image: ndarray An RGB image. labels: ndarray A 2D array of labels corresponding to the image. Returns ------- colormap: ndarray A colormap where each row is the RGB color for the corresponding label. """ # Ensure the image is in the range 0-255 image = img_as_ubyte(image) # Initialize an array to hold the RGB color for each label colormap = np.zeros((labels.max() + 1, 3), dtype=np.uint8) # Calculate the average color for each label for label in np.unique(labels): mask = labels == label colormap[label] = image[mask].mean(axis=0) return colormap
[docs]def color_from_RGB(im,rgb,m,bd=None, mode='inner',connectivity=2): if bd is None: bd = find_boundaries(m,mode=mode,connectivity=connectivity) alpha = (m>0)*.5 alpha[bd] = 1 alpha = np.stack([alpha]*3,axis=-1) m = ncolor.format_labels(m) cmap = create_colormap(rgb,m) clrs = utils.rescale(cmap[1:]) overlay = color.label2rgb(m,im,clrs, bg_label=0, alpha=alpha # saturation=1, # kind='overlay', # alpha=1 ) return overlay
[docs]def image_grid(images, column_titles=None, row_titles=None, xticks=[], yticks=[], outline=False, outline_color=[0.5]*3, padding=0.05, fontsize=10, fontcolor=[0.5]*3, fig_scale=6, dpi=300, order='ij', **kwargs): """Display a grid of images with uniform spacing.""" # get the dimensions of the grid grid_dims = [len(images), len(images[0])] ij = order=='ij' ji = order=='ji' n,m = grid_dims # Get the shapes of the images image_shapes = np.stack([i[0].shape for i in images]) # Padding between images p = padding # normalize dimension along row or column a = list(image_shapes[:,0] / image_shapes[:,1]) if ij else list(image_shapes[:,1] / image_shapes[:,0]) b = np.ones_like(a) # Cumulative dimension ca = np.cumsum(a) start_a = np.array([[0]*m]+[[(ca[i]+(i+1)*p)]*m for i in range(n-1)]).flatten().astype(float) start_b = np.array([[(bi+p)*i for i in range(m)] for bi in b]).flatten().astype(float) # Calculate the positions and sizes of the images in the grid da = np.array([[ai]*m for ai in a]).flatten().astype(float) db = np.array([[bi]*m for bi in b]).flatten().astype(float) # Map the variables to their values variables = {'ji': (start_a, start_b, da, db), 'ij': (start_b, start_a, db, da)} # Assign the values to the variables left, bottom, width, height = variables[order] # Normalize the positions and sizes max_w = left[-1]+width[-1] max_h = bottom[-1]+height[-1] left /= max_w bottom /= max_h width /= max_w height /= max_h # Create the figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(fig_scale,fig_scale*max_h/max_w), frameon=False, dpi=dpi) # here m and n need to represent the actual grid layout rather than indexing if ij: n,m = grid_dims elif ji: m,n = grid_dims else: raise ValueError('order must be "ij" or "ji"') # Add the subplots axes = [] for i in range(n*m): # ax = fig.add_axes([left[i], bottom[i], width[i], height[i]]) ax = fig.add_axes([left[i], 1-bottom[i]-height[i], width[i], height[i]]) axes.append(ax) # add outline around each image, remove ticks for i,ax in enumerate(axes): if outline: for s in ax.spines.values(): s.set_color(outline_color) s.set_linewidth(1) else: ax.axis('off') ax.set_xticks(xticks) ax.set_yticks(yticks) ax.patch.set_alpha(0) # Display the image j,k = np.unravel_index(i,grid_dims) ax.imshow(images[j][k],**kwargs) # Set the column titles if column_titles is not None: if ij and i < m: idx = i elif ji and i % n == 0: idx = i // n else: idx = None if idx is not None: # ax.set_title(column_titles[idx], fontsize=fontsize, c=fontcolor) ax.text(0.5, 1+p, column_titles[idx], rotation=0, fontsize=fontsize, color=fontcolor, va='bottom', ha='center', transform=ax.transAxes) # Set the row titles if row_titles is not None: if ij and i % m == 0: idx = i // m elif ji and i < n: idx = i else: idx = None if idx is not None: ax.text(-p, 0.5, row_titles[idx], rotation=0, fontsize=fontsize, color=fontcolor, va='center', ha='right', transform=ax.transAxes) return fig
# from import numpy as np from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection as lc from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Line3DCollection as lc3d from scipy.interpolate import interp1d from matplotlib.colors import colorConverter
[docs]def colored_line_segments(xs,ys,zs=None,color='k',mid_colors=False): if isinstance(color,str): color = colorConverter.to_rgba(color)[:-1] color = np.array([color for i in range(len(xs))]) segs = [] seg_colors = [] lastColor = [color[0][0],color[0][1],color[0][2]] start = [xs[0],ys[0]] end = [xs[0],ys[0]] if not zs is None: start.append(zs[0]) end.append(zs[0]) else: zs = [zs]*len(xs) for x,y,z,c in zip(xs,ys,zs,color): if mid_colors: seg_colors.append([(chan+lastChan)*.5 for chan,lastChan in zip(c,lastColor)]) else: seg_colors.append(c) lastColor = c[:-1] if not z is None: start = [end[0],end[1],end[2]] end = [x,y,z] else: start = [end[0],end[1]] end = [x,y] segs.append([start,end]) colors = [(*color,1) for color in seg_colors] return segs, colors
[docs]def segmented_resample(xs,ys,zs=None,color='k',n_resample=100,mid_colors=False): n_points = len(xs) if isinstance(color,str): color = colorConverter.to_rgba(color)[:-1] color = np.array([color for i in range(n_points)]) n_segs = (n_points-1)*(n_resample-1) xsInterp = np.linspace(0,1,n_resample) segs = [] seg_colors = [] hiResXs = [xs[0]] hiResYs = [ys[0]] if not zs is None: hiResZs = [zs[0]] RGB = color.swapaxes(0,1) for i in range(n_points-1): fit_xHiRes = interp1d([0,1],xs[i:i+2]) fit_yHiRes = interp1d([0,1],ys[i:i+2]) xHiRes = fit_xHiRes(xsInterp) yHiRes = fit_yHiRes(xsInterp) hiResXs = hiResXs+list(xHiRes[1:]) hiResYs = hiResYs+list(yHiRes[1:]) R_HiRes = interp1d([0,1],RGB[0][i:i+2])(xsInterp) G_HiRes = interp1d([0,1],RGB[1][i:i+2])(xsInterp) B_HiRes = interp1d([0,1],RGB[2][i:i+2])(xsInterp) lastColor = [R_HiRes[0],G_HiRes[0],B_HiRes[0]] start = [xHiRes[0],yHiRes[0]] end = [xHiRes[0],yHiRes[0]] if not zs is None: fit_zHiRes = interp1d([0,1],zs[i:i+2]) zHiRes = fit_zHiRes(xsInterp) hiResZs = hiResZs+list(zHiRes[1:]) start.append(zHiRes[0]) end.append(zHiRes[0]) else: zHiRes = [zs]*len(xHiRes) if mid_colors: seg_colors.append([R_HiRes[0],G_HiRes[0],B_HiRes[0]]) for x,y,z,r,g,b in zip(xHiRes[1:],yHiRes[1:],zHiRes[1:],R_HiRes[1:],G_HiRes[1:],B_HiRes[1:]): if mid_colors: seg_colors.append([(chan+lastChan)*.5 for chan,lastChan in zip((r,g,b),lastColor)]) else: seg_colors.append([r,g,b]) lastColor = [r,g,b] if not z is None: start = [end[0],end[1],end[2]] end = [x,y,z] else: start = [end[0],end[1]] end = [x,y] segs.append([start,end]) colors = [(*color,1) for color in seg_colors] data = [hiResXs,hiResYs] if not zs is None: data = [hiResXs,hiResYs,hiResZs] return segs, colors, data
[docs]def faded_segment_resample(xs,ys,zs=None,color='k',fade_len=20,n_resample=100,direction='Head'): segs, colors, hiResData = segmented_resample(xs,ys,zs,color,n_resample) n_segs = len(segs) if fade_len>len(segs): fade_len=n_segs if direction=='Head': #Head fade alphas = np.concatenate((np.zeros(n_segs-fade_len),np.linspace(0,1,fade_len))) else: #Tail fade alphas = np.concatenate((np.linspace(1,0,fade_len),np.zeros(n_segs-fade_len))) colors = [(*color[:-1],alpha) for color,alpha in zip(colors,alphas)] return segs, colors, hiResData
# def _get_perp_line(current_seg, out_of_page, linewidth): perp = np.cross(current_seg, out_of_page)[0:2] perp_unit = _get_unit_vector(perp) current_seg_perp_line = perp_unit*linewidth return current_seg_perp_line def _get_unit_vector(vector): vector_size = (vector[0]**2 + vector[1]**2)**0.5 vector_unit = vector / vector_size return vector_unit[0:2]
[docs]def colored_line(x, y, ax, z=None, line_width=1, MAP='jet'): # use pcolormesh to make interpolated rectangles num_pts = len(x) [xs, ys, zs] = [ np.zeros((num_pts,2)), np.zeros((num_pts,2)), np.zeros((num_pts,2)) ] dist = 0 out_of_page = [0, 0, 1] for i in range(num_pts): # set the colors and the x,y locations of the source line xs[i][0] = x[i] ys[i][0] = y[i] if i > 0: x_delta = x[i] - x[i-1] y_delta = y[i] - y[i-1] seg_length = (x_delta**2 + y_delta**2)**0.5 dist += seg_length zs[i] = [dist, dist] # define the offset perpendicular points if i == num_pts - 1: current_seg = [x[i]-x[i-1], y[i]-y[i-1], 0] else: current_seg = [x[i+1]-x[i], y[i+1]-y[i], 0] current_seg_perp = _get_perp_line( current_seg, out_of_page, line_width) if i == 0 or i == num_pts - 1: xs[i][1] = xs[i][0] + current_seg_perp[0] ys[i][1] = ys[i][0] + current_seg_perp[1] continue current_pt = [x[i], y[i]] current_seg_unit = _get_unit_vector(current_seg) previous_seg = [x[i]-x[i-1], y[i]-y[i-1], 0] previous_seg_perp = _get_perp_line( previous_seg, out_of_page, line_width) previous_seg_unit = _get_unit_vector(previous_seg) # current_pt + previous_seg_perp + scalar * previous_seg_unit = # current_pt + current_seg_perp - scalar * current_seg_unit = scalar = ( (current_seg_perp - previous_seg_perp) / (previous_seg_unit + current_seg_unit) ) new_pt = current_pt + previous_seg_perp + scalar[0] * previous_seg_unit xs[i][1] = new_pt[0] ys[i][1] = new_pt[1] # fig, ax = plt.subplots() cm = plt.get_cmap(MAP) ax.pcolormesh(xs, ys, zs, shading='gouraud', cmap=cm)
[docs]def plot_color_swatches(colors,figsize=0.5,dpi=100): # Convert colors to a numpy array colors = np.array(colors) # If colors is a 1D array (single color), reshape it to a 2D array if colors.ndim == 1: colors = colors.reshape(1, -1) # Create a list of swatches swatches = [np.full((1, 1, 3), color, dtype=np.float32) for color in colors] # Display the swatches imshow(swatches, figsize=figsize,dpi=dpi)