See command line examples for typical use cases.

usage: omnipose [image args] [model args] [...]

input image arguments#


folder containing data on which to run or train


run processing on all subdirectories of current folder


use mxnet


filter images by this suffix


axis of image which corresponds to image channels


axis of image which corresponds to Z dimension


channel to segment; 0: GRAY, 1: RED, 2: GREEN, 3: BLUE. Default: 0


nuclear channel (if cyto, optional); 0: NONE, 1: RED, 2: GREEN, 3: BLUE. Default: 0


invert grayscale channel


use all channels in image if using own model and images with special channels


number of spatiotemporal dimensions of images (not counting channels). Default: 2

model arguments#


model to use


run standard unet instead of cellpose flow output


number of prediction classes for model (3 for Cellpose, 4 for Omnipose boundary field)


number of channels on which model is trained


kernel size for maskpool. Starts at 2, higher means more aggressive downsampling.

algorithm arguments#


Omnipose algorithm (disabled by default)


use new affinity segmentation algorithm (disabled by default)


DBSCAN clustering. Reduces oversegmentation of thin features (disabled by default)


Euler integration 1/t suppression reduces oversegmentation but can give undersegmentation in 3D; this flag disables it.


make code run faster by turning off 4 network averaging and resampling


disable dynamics on full image (makes algorithm faster for images with large diameters)


make code run faster by only running 1 network


do not interpolate when running dynamics (was default)


process images as 3D stacks of images (nplanes x nchan x Ly x Lx


cell diameter, 0 disables unless sizemodel is present. Default: 0.0


image rescaling factor (r = diameter / model diameter)


compute masks in 2D then stitch together masks with IoU>0.9 across planes


flow error threshold, 0 turns off this optional QC step. Default: 0.4


mask threshold, default is 0, decrease to find more and larger masks


Number of Euler iterations, enter value to override Omnipose diameter estimation (under/over-segment)


anisotropy of volume in 3D


cell diameter threshold for upscaling before mask rescontruction, default 12


discard masks which touch edges of image


minimum size for masks, helps if small debris is labeled


maximum size for masks, helps if background patches are labeled

output arguments#


save masks as png


save masks as tif


suppress saving of npy


folder to which segmentation results will be saved (defaults to input image directory)


save output folders adjacent to image folder instead of inside it (off by default)


flag to save output in folders (off by default)


whether or not to save RGB images of flows when masks are saved (disabled by default)


whether or not to save RGB outline images when masks are saved (disabled by default)


whether or not to save minimal "n-color" masks (disabled by default


flag to enable txt outlines for ImageJ (disabled by default)


store flows with background transparent (alpha=flow magnitude) (disabled by default)

training arguments#


train network using images in dir


train size network at end of training


end string for masks to run on. Default: "_masks"


folder containing test data (optional)


learning rate. Default: 0.2


number of epochs. Default: 500


batch size. Default: 8


number of dataloader workers. Default: 0


Use pytorch dataloader instead of older manual loading code.


minimum number of masks a training image must have to be used. Default: 1


use residual connections


use style vector


concatenate downsampled layers with upsampled layers (off by default which means they are added)


number of epochs to skip between saves. Default: 100


save the model under a different filename per --save_every epoch for later comparsion


use RAdam instead of SGD


turn on checkpoints to reduce memory usage


Use dropout in training


list of yx, zyx, or tyx dimensions for training


Search and use link files for multi-label objects.


Use Automatic Mixed Precision.


Use summed affinity instead of distance field.

hardware arguments#


use gpu if torch or mxnet with cuda installed


check if mkl working



development arguments#


flag to output extra information (e.g. diameter metrics) for debugging and fine-tuning parameters


flag to suppress CLI user confirmation for saving output; for test scripts


flag to output timing information for select modules