
Omnipose automatically detects TIFs, PNGs, or JPEGs. Under the hood, uses tifffile for loading TIFs and cv2 for PNG and JPEG. We are considering adding direct support for other bioformats types such as ND2, but for now all input must be exported to the above image formats prior to running Omnipose.

Channel formatting#

Single-plane, multichannel images can be formatted as (nY,nX,nChan) or (nChan,nY,nX), the latter CYX formatting being more conventional and easier to work with (e.g., in Napari). The channels settings will take care of reshaping the input appropriately for the network if we can safely assume that the smallest axis is the channel axis. For example, a (2,2048,2048) image will automatically have axis 0 set to be the channel axis. The channel_axis parameter allows you to override this when necessary.

Note that Omnipose also rescales the input for each channel so that 0 = 0.01st percentile of image values and 1 = 99.99th percentile. These are not yet user-tunable parameters, but they will be in a future release.

3D segmentation#

Multiple-plane and multiple-channel TIFs are supported in the GUI (can drag-and-drop) and are supported when running in a notebook. Multiplane images should be of shape ZCYX or ZYX. You can test this by running in python:

data ='img.tif')

If drag-and-drop of the TIF into the GUI does not work correctly, then it's likely that the shape of the TIF is incorrect. If drag-and-drop works (you can see a TIF with multiple planes), then the GUI will automatically run 3D segmentation and display it in the GUI. Watch the command line for progress. It is recommended to use a GPU to speed up processing.

If drag-and-drop doesn't work because of the shape of your TIF, you need to transpose the TIF and re-save to use the GUI, or use the Napari plugin for Cellpose, or run CLI/notebook and specify the channel_axis and/or z_axis parameters:

channel_axis and z_axis can be used to specify the axis (0-based) of the image which corresponds to the image channels and to the z axis. For example. a 105-plane z-stack image with 2 channels of shape (1024,1024,2,105,1) can be specified with channel_axis=2 and z_axis=3. If channel_axis=None, cellpose will try to automatically determine the channel axis by choosing the dimension with the minimal size after squeezing. If z_axis=None cellpose will automatically select the first non-channel axis of the image to be the Z axis (ZYX ordering). These parameters can be specified using the command line with --channel_axis or --z_axis or as inputs to model.eval for the Cellpose or CellposeModel model.

There are two distinct modes of 3D image processing. The first is Cellpose3D, which uses a 2D model on orthogonal slices of the volume to estimate 3D predicitons from 2D network output. To use this in a notebook, set do_3D=True. You can give a list of 3D inputs, or a single 3D/4D stack. When running on the command line, add the flag --do_3D (it will run all TIFs in the folder as 3D TIFs if possible).

If Cellpose3D segmentation is not working well and there is inhomogeneity in Z, try stitching masks in Z instead of running do_3D=True. See details for this option here: stitch_threshold.

The second approach, implemented in Omnipose, is to directly predict 3D flows etc. by training models on 3D datasets. We offer one pretrained model: plant_omni. The --dim argument allows users to specify the dimensionality of their data/model for training and evaluation, so dim=2 corresponds to 2D processing (even in Cellpose3D) and dim=3 corresponds to 3D processing. More work is needed to validate functionality of true 3D segmentation in the GUI.