
The most important settings are described on this page. See cellpose_omni.models() for all options.

This is a typical example of using an Omnipose model to segment a list of images in a notebook. Cellpose users need only select an Omnipose model and use omni=True to update their existing code.

from cellpose_omni import models
model = models.Cellpose(gpu=False,

files = ['img0.tif', 'img1.tif']
imgs = [ for f in files]
masks, flows, styles, diams = model.eval(imgs,

This example shows the same settings used for each image, but you can also pass in a list for channels and diameter that specifies unique values to apply to each image. See our example notebooks for a solid introduction and figure notebooks for more advanced examples.


Use pretrained_model=<path to model> in place of model_type=<model name> when you want to use a model that is not built-in. Specify nclasses and nchan if you encounter any issues in the model initialization (see Pretrained models).


Use channels = [0,0] for mono-channel images or multi-channel images that you would like converted to grayscale prior to segmentation. [0,0] is what we used to train and evaluate our bact_phase_omni, bact_fluor_omni, worm_omni, worm_high_res_omni, and plant_omni models. If you do want to run segmentation on a specific channel of multi-channel images, use 1-based-indexing [i,0] with i = 1,2,3,... for red, green, blue, ..., respectively. For example, you might have blue nuclei that look a lot like fluorescent bacteria, so could use the bact_fluor_omni model with channels = [2,0].

You can also use two channels for segmentation: a cytoplasm channel and a nuclear channel. The cyto2_omni model was trained with image channels re-ordered to have red cytoplasm and green nucleus (where applicable in the dataset) using --chan 1 --chan2 2 and therefore was evaluated using channels = [1,2].

See mono_channel_bact.ipynb for a monochannel segmentation on bacterial phase contrast images and multi_channel_cyto.ipynb for multichannel segmentation of mouse neuron cells.

Flow threshold#

The neural network may predict hallucinate network outputs that do not correspond well to the masks found by the mask reconstruction dynamics. As a consistency check, we can compute the 'true' flow field from the predicted labels and compare this to the network predictions pixel-by-pixel. The flow_threshold parameter is the maximum allowed error of the flows averaged over all pixels in a given mask. The default is flow_threshold=0.4. Increase this threshold if Omnipose is not returning as many masks as you expect. Decrease this threshold if Omnipose is returning too many spurious masks.


Well-trained models really don't need this and we set flow_threshold=0.0 for most of our model evaluation. This disables the flow error calculation and will make Omnipose run a lot faster on large datasets.

Mask threshold#

This threshold is applied to the distance transform output of Omnipose (or the cellprob output of Cellpose) to seed cell masks pixels for running dynamics. The default is mask_threshold=0.0. Decrease this threshold if you are getting too few masks or if masks do not cover the entire cell.


The GUI provides sliders that update the Omnipose output for flow_threshold and mask_threshold in real time, which is very fast even on CPU for small images (~500 x 500 px).


In most Omnipose models, we set diameter=0 to disable image rescaling. We found that rescaling to a common cell diameter is only necessary when the images for training and evaluation have extreme diffrences in cell size, such as in the cyto2 dataset. Therefore, cyto2_omni was trained with a mean diameter of 30px just like the Cellpose cyto model. This means that images are rescaled by a factor of 30.0/D where D is the mean diameter of all cells in the image. See the page on mean cell diameter to see how Omnipose handles this better than Cellpose.

The worm_high_res_omni is another example where rescaling was necessary. We suspect that it is the network architecture kernel size and number of down-sampling stages that prevents accurate prediction of boundary-derived output like flow and distance at the centers of objects. For these high-resolution C. elegans images, we found 60px to work well, but we did not do more tests to push this higher. To use this model, images should be rescaled by a factor of 60.0/D.


At this time, the diameter used for training is not saved with the model parameters and therefore must be specified using mymodel.diameter=60.0 after initializing mymodel=models.CellposeModel(). 30 is the default for models with cyto in the name but can be overwritten as shown. Similarly, nuclei-named models default to a mean diameter of 17 and bacteria-named models default to a mean diameter of 0 (rescaling disabled).


In contrast to the CellposeModel() class that takes diameter as an option for rescaling, the Cellpose class includes a SizeModel() for automatic diameter estimation. This is a linear regression model trained on the 'style' vector of the network, which you can think of as a 64-dimensional summary of the input image. A SizeModel() for Omnipose was trained on the cyto2 dataset to predict our own cell diameter from the style vector. To use the SizeModel(), we follow a two-step process:

  1. Run the image through the cellpose network and obtain the style vector. Predict the size using the linear regression model from the style vector.

  2. Resize the image based on the predicted size and run cellpose again, and produce masks. Take the final estimated size as the median diameter of the predicted masks.

For automated estimation in the Cellpose() class set diameter = None (default). However, if this estimate is incorrect, you will need to set the diameter manually.

Changing the diameter will change the results that the algorithm outputs. When the diameter is set smaller than the true size then Omnipose may over-segment cells. Similarly, if the diameter is set too big then Omnipose may under-segment cells.


The cellpose network is run on your rescaled image -- where the rescaling factor is determined by the diameter you input (or determined automatically as above). For instance, if you have an image with 60 pixel diameter cells, the rescaling factor is 30./60. = 0.5. After network predictions are made, the model runs the dynamics. The dynamics can be run at the rescaled size (resample=False), or the dynamics can be run on the resampled, interpolated flows at the true image size (resample=True). resample=True will create smoother masks when the cells are large but will be slower. resample=False can produce some jagged mask edges due to nearest-neighbor interpolation. The default our Cellpose fork is resample==True.

3D settings#

Volumetric stacks do not always have the same sampling in XY as they do in Z. Therefore you can set an anisotropy parameter to allow for differences in sampling, e.g. set to 2.0 if Z is sampled half as dense as X or Y.

There may be additional differences in YZ and XZ slices that make them unable to be used for 3D segmentation. I'd recommend viewing the volume in those dimensions if the segmentation is failing. In those instances, you may want to turn off 3D segmentation (do_3D=False) and run instead with stitch_threshold>0. Cellpose will create masks in 2D on each XY slice and then stitch them across slices if the IoU between the mask on the current slice and the next slice is greater than or equal to the stitch_threshold.

3D segmentation ignores the flow_threshold because we did not find that it helped to filter out false positives in our test 3D cell volume. Instead, we found that setting min_size is a good way to remove false positives.