Source code for omnipose.core

import numpy as np
from numba import njit, prange
import numba
import cv2
import edt
from scipy.ndimage import affine_transform, binary_dilation, binary_opening, binary_closing, label, shift, uniform_filter # I need to test against skimage labeling
from skimage.morphology import remove_small_objects
from sklearn.utils.extmath import cartesian
from skimage.segmentation import find_boundaries
from igraph import Graph

import torch.nn.functional as F

import fastremap
import os, tifffile
import time
import mgen #ND rotation matrix
from . import utils
from ncolor.format_labels import delete_spurs
from .plot import rgb_flow

from .gpu import empty_cache # for clearing memory after follow_flows

# Use of sets...
from numba.core.errors import NumbaDeprecationWarning, NumbaPendingDeprecationWarning
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=NumbaPendingDeprecationWarning)

from torchvf.losses import ivp_loss
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Set, Tuple, Union, Callable

# define the lists of unique omnipose models 
# Some were trained with 2 channel input (C2)
# some were trained with a boundary field (BD)

C2_BD_MODELS = ['bact_phase_omni',

C2_MODELS = ['bact_phase_cp',
            'plant_cp', # 2D model for do_3D

C1_BD_MODELS = ['plant_omni']

# This will be the affinity seg models 
C1_MODELS = []

import torch
mse = torch.nn.MSELoss()
from .utils import torch_GPU, torch_CPU, ARM

# try:
#     from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN
#     from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
# except:

from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors

    from hdbscan import HDBSCAN


import sys
from .logger import setup_logger
omnipose_logger = setup_logger('core')

# omnipose_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
# logging.getLogger().addHandler(logging.StreamHandler())

# We moved a bunch of dupicated code over here from cellpose_omni to revert back to the original bahavior. This flag is used
# within Cellpose only, but since I want to merge the shared code back together someday, I'll keep it around here. 
# Several '#'s denote locations where code needs to be changed if a remerger ever happens 

from tqdm import trange 
import ncolor, scipy
from scipy.ndimage.filters import maximum_filter1d
from scipy.ndimage import find_objects, gaussian_filter, generate_binary_structure, label, maximum_filter1d, binary_fill_holes, zoom

# try:
#     from skimage.morphology import remove_small_holes
#     from skimage.util import random_noise
#     from skimage.filters import gaussian
#     from skimage import measure
#     from skimage import filters
#     import #for debugging only
# except:
#     from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter as gaussian

# skimage is necessary for Omnipose 
from skimage.morphology import remove_small_holes
from skimage.util import random_noise
from skimage.filters import gaussian
from skimage import measure
from skimage import filters
import #for debugging only

from scipy.ndimage import convolve, mean

# ## Section I: core utilities

# By testing for convergence across a range of superellipses, I found that the following
# ratio guarantees convergence. The edt() package gives a quick (but rough) distance field,
# and it allows us to find a least upper bound for the number of iterations needed for our
# smooth distance field computation. 
[docs]def get_niter(dists): """ Get number of iterations. Parameters -------------- dists: ND array, float array of (nonnegative) distance field values Returns -------------- niter: int number of iterations empirically found to be the lower bound for convergence of the distance field relaxation method """ isarray = type(dists) == np.ndarray module = np if isarray else torch c = module.ceil(module.max(dists)*1.16)+1 return c.astype(int) if isarray else
# m = module.max(dists) # c = module.ceil(m*1.16) # # c = c.item() # i = + 1 # return i # minor modification to generalize to nD
[docs]def dist_to_diam(dt_pos,n): """ Convert positive distance field values to a mean diameter. Parameters -------------- dt_pos: 1D array, float array of positive distance field values n: int dimension of volume. dt_pos is always 1D because only the positive values int he distance field are passed in. Returns -------------- mean diameter: float a single number that corresponds to the diameter of the N-sphere when dt_pos for a sphere is given to the function, holds constant for extending rods of uniform width, much better than the diameter of a circle of equivalent area for estimating the short-axis dimensions of objects """ return 2*(n+1)*np.mean(dt_pos)
# return np.exp(3/2)*gmean(dt_pos[dt_pos>=gmean(dt_pos)])
[docs]def diameters(masks, dt=None, dist_threshold=0): """ Calculate the mean cell diameter from a label matrix. Parameters -------------- masks: ND array, float label matrix 0,...,N dt: ND array, float distance field dist_threshold: float cutoff below which all values in dt are set to 0. Must be >=0. Returns -------------- diam: float a single number that corresponds to the average diameter of labeled regions in the image, see dist_to_diam() """ if dist_threshold<0: dist_threshold = 0 if dt is None and np.any(masks): dt = edt.edt(np.int32(masks)) dt_pos = np.abs(dt[dt>dist_threshold]) if np.any(dt_pos): diam = dist_to_diam(np.abs(dt_pos),n=masks.ndim) else: diam = 0 return diam
# ## Section II: ground-truth flow computation # It is possible that flows can be eliminated in place of the distance field. The current distance field may not be smooth # enough, or maybe the network really does require the flow field prediction to work well. But in 3D, it will be a huge # advantage if the network could predict just the distance (and boudnary) classes and not 3 extra flow components.
[docs]def labels_to_flows(labels, links=None, files=None, use_gpu=False, device=None, omni=True, redo_flows=False, dim=2): """ Convert labels (list of masks or flows) to flows for training model. if files is not None, flows are saved to files to be reused Parameters -------------- labels: list of ND-arrays labels[k] can be 2D or 3D, if [3 x Ly x Lx] then it is assumed that flows were precomputed. Otherwise labels[k][0] or labels[k] (if 2D) is used to create flows. links: list of label links These lists of label pairs define which labels are "linked", i.e. should be treated as part of the same object. This is how Omnipose handles internal/self-contact boundaries during training. files: list of strings list of file names for the base images that are appended with '_flows.tif' for saving. use_gpu: bool flag to use GPU for speedup. Note that Omnipose fixes some bugs that caused the Cellpose GPU implementation to have different behavior compared to the Cellpose CPU implementation. device: torch device what compute hardware to use to run the code (GPU VS CPU) omni: bool flag to generate Omnipose flows instead of Cellpose flows redo_flows: bool flag to overwrite existing flows. This is necessary when changing over from Cellpose to Omnipose, as the flows are very different. dim: int integer representing the intrinsic dimensionality of the data. This allows users to generate 3D flows for volumes. Some dependencies will need to be to be extended to allow for 4D, but the image and label loading is generalized to ND. Returns -------------- flows: list of [4 x Ly x Lx] arrays flows[k][0] is labels[k], flows[k][1] is cell distance transform, flows[k][2:2+dim] are the (T)YX flow components, and flows[k][-1] is heat distribution / smooth distance """ nimg = len(labels) if links is None: links = [None]*nimg # just for entering below no_flow = labels[0].ndim != 3+dim # (6,Lt,Ly,Lx) for 3D, masks + dist + boundary + flow components, then image dimensions if no_flow or redo_flows:'NOTE: computing flows for labels (could be done before to save time)') # compute flows; labels are fixed in masks_to_flows, so they need to be passed back labels, dist, heat, veci = map(list,zip(*[masks_to_flows(labels[n], links=links[n], use_gpu=use_gpu, device=device, omni=omni, dim=dim) for n in trange(nimg)])) # concatenate labels, distance transform, vector flows, heat (boundary and mask are computed in augmentations) if omni and OMNI_INSTALLED: flows = [np.concatenate((labels[n][np.newaxis,:,:], dist[n][np.newaxis,:,:], veci[n], heat[n][np.newaxis,:,:]), axis=0).astype(np.float32) for n in range(nimg)] # clean this up to swap heat and flows and simplify code? would have to rerun all flow generation else: flows = [np.concatenate((labels[n][np.newaxis,:,:], labels[n][np.newaxis,:,:]>0.5, veci[n]), axis=0).astype(np.float32) for n in range(nimg)] if files is not None: for flow, file in zip(flows, files): file_name = os.path.splitext(file)[0] tifffile.imsave(file_name+'_flows.tif', flow) else:'flows precomputed (in omnipose.core now)') flows = [labels[n].astype(np.float32) for n in range(nimg)] return flows
# @torch.no_grad() # try to solve memory leak in mps
[docs]def masks_to_flows(masks, affinity_graph=None, dists=None, coords=None, links=None, use_gpu=True, device=None, omni=True, dim=2, smooth=False, normalize=False, n_iter=None, verbose=False): """Convert masks to flows. First, we find the scalar field. In Omnipose, this is the distance field. In Cellpose, this is diffusion from center pixel. Center of masks where diffusion starts is defined to be the closest pixel to the median of all pixels that is inside the mask. The flow components are then found as hthe gradient of the scalar field. Parameters ------------- masks: int, ND array labeled masks, 0 = background, 1,2,...,N = mask labels dists: ND array, float array of (nonnegative) distance field values affinity_graph: ND array, bool hypervoxel affinity array, alternative to providing overseg labels and links the most general way to compute flows, and can represent internal boundaries links: list of label links list of tuples used for treating label pairs as the same use_gpu: bool flag to use GPU for speedup. Note that Omnipose fixes some bugs that caused the Cellpose GPU implementation to have different behavior compared to the Cellpose CPU implementation. device: torch device what compute hardware to use to run the code (GPU VS CPU) omni: bool flag to generate Omnipose flows instead of Cellpose flows dim: int dimensionality of image data Returns ------------- mu: float, 3D or 4D array flows in Y = mu[-2], flows in X = mu[-1]. if masks are 3D, flows in Z = mu[0]. mu_c: float, 2D or 3D array for each pixel, the distance to the center of the mask in which it resides """ if links is not None and dists is not None: print('Your dists are probably wrong...') if coords is None: coords = np.nonzero(masks) # Generalize method of computing affinity graph for flow # as well as boundary, even with self-contact. Self-contact # requires mutilabel masks and link files. steps, inds, idx, fact, sign = utils.kernel_setup(dim) case = [affinity_graph is None, affinity_graph is not None and affinity_graph.shape[1] != len(coords[0])] if np.any(case): affinity_graph = masks_to_affinity(masks, coords, steps, inds, idx, fact, sign, dim, links=links) if case[1]: print('Warning: passed affinity does not match mask coordinates. Recomputing.') boundaries = affinity_to_boundary(masks,affinity_graph,coords) if dists is None: # formatting reshuffles indices, so only do this # when no links are present if (links is None or len(links)==0):# and (affinity_graph is None): masks = ncolor.format_labels(masks) dists = edt.edt(masks,parallel=-1) else: # this distance field is not completely accurate, but the point of it # is to estimate the number of iterations needed only, so close enough # better this than have self-contact boundaries mess up the distance field # and therefore completely overestimate the number of iterations required # (Need to test to see if checking for convergence is faster...) dists = edt.edt(masks-boundaries,parallel=-1)+(masks>0) if device is None: if use_gpu: device = torch_GPU else: device = torch_CPU # masks_to_flows_device/cpu depricated. Running using torch on CPU is still 2x faster # than the dedicated, jitted CPU code thanks to it being parallelized I think. if masks.ndim==3 and dim==2: # this branch preserves original 3D approach print('Sorry, this branch has not yet been updated - do not use omnipiose for this') Lz, Ly, Lx = masks.shape mu = np.zeros((3, Lz, Ly, Lx), np.float32) for z in range(Lz): mu0 = masks_to_flows_torch(masks[z], dists[z], boundaries[z], device=device, omni=omni)[0] mu[[1,2], z] += mu0 for y in range(Ly): mu0 = masks_to_flows_torch(masks[:,y], dists[:,y], boundaries[:,y], device=device, omni=omni)[0] mu[[0,2], :, y] += mu0 for x in range(Lx): mu0 = masks_to_flows_torch(masks[:,:,x], dists[:,:,x], boundaries[:,:,x], #<<< will want to fix this device=device, omni=omni)[0] mu[[0,1], :, :, x] += mu0 return masks, dists, None, mu #consistency with below else: T, mu = masks_to_flows_torch(masks, affinity_graph, coords, dists, device=device, omni=omni, smooth=smooth, normalize=normalize, n_iter=n_iter, verbose=verbose) return masks, dists, boundaries, T, mu
# @torch.no_grad() # try to solve memory leak in mps
[docs]def masks_to_flows_batch(batch, links=[None], device=torch.device('cpu'), omni=True, dim=2, smooth=False, normalize=False, affinity_field=False, initialize=False, n_iter=None, verbose=False): """ Batch process flows. This includes padding with relection to not have weird cutoff flows. Parameters ------------- mask_batch: list, NDarray list of masks all of shape tyx Returns ------------- concatenated labels, links, etc. and slices to extract them """ # add an if statement to catch the case where all labels are empty nsample = len(batch) final_flat,clinks,indices,final_shape,dL = concatenate_labels(batch, links=links, nsample=nsample) clabels = final_flat.reshape(final_shape) ccoords = np.unravel_index(indices,final_shape) # clabels,clinks,ccoords,dL = concatenate_labels(batch,links,nsample=nsample) # calculate affinity graph for the entire concatenated stack steps, inds, idx, fact, sign = utils.kernel_setup(dim) shape = batch[0].shape # edges = [np.array([-1]+[i*dL for i in range(1,nsample+1)])]+[np.array([-1,s]) for s in shape[1:]] # edges = [np.array([i*dL for i in range(nsample+1)])]+[np.array([0,s]) for s in shape[1:]] # edges = [np.concatenate([[-1]]+[[i*dL,i*dL-1] for i in range(1,nsample)]+[[dL*nsample]])]+[np.array([-1,s]) for s in shape[1:]] edges = [np.concatenate([[i*dL,i*dL-1] for i in range(0,nsample+1)])]+[np.array([-1,s]) for s in shape[1:]] affinity_graph = masks_to_affinity(clabels, ccoords, steps, inds, idx, fact, sign, dim, links=clinks, edges=edges)#, dists=cdists) # find boundary, flows boundaries = affinity_to_boundary(clabels,affinity_graph,ccoords) # if I am do carry through the warped distance fields, I should probably use them here too to seed the iterations for faster convergence... have not doen that yet T, mu = masks_to_flows_torch(clabels, affinity_graph, ccoords, device=device, omni=omni, smooth=smooth, normalize=normalize, initialize=initialize, affinity_field=affinity_field, n_iter=n_iter, edges=edges, verbose=verbose) slices = [tuple([slice(i*dL,(i+1)*dL)]+[slice(None,None)]*(dim-1)) for i in range(nsample)] return torch.tensor(clabels.astype(int),device=device), torch.tensor(boundaries,device=device), T, mu, slices, clinks, ccoords
# from numba import jit # def concatenate_labels(masks,links,nsample): # @njit #due to unravel_index
[docs]def concatenate_labels(masks: np.ndarray, links: list, nsample: int): # concatenate and increment both the masks and links masks = masks.copy().astype(np.int64) # casting to int64 sped things up 10x??? dtype = masks[0].dtype shape = masks[0].shape dL = shape[0] dim = len(shape) clinks = set() # clinks = [] final_shape = (shape[0]*nsample,)+shape[1:] stride = length = # stride = 1 # for s in shape: # stride *=s # length = 1 # for s in final_shape: # length *= s # Preallocate flattened final array final_flat = np.empty(length, dtype=dtype) npix = np.array([np.count_nonzero(m>0) for m in masks],dtype) tpix = np.cumsum(np.hstack((0,npix))) # tpix = np.array([0]*(len(masks)+1),dtype) # for i,n in enumerate(npix): # tpix[i+1:] += n indices = np.empty((tpix[-1],), dtype=np.int64) label_shift = 0 # shift labels of each tile outside the range of the last for i,(masks,lnks) in enumerate(zip(masks,links)): mask_temp = np.ravel(masks) sel = np.nonzero(mask_temp) mask_temp[sel] = mask_temp[sel]+label_shift final_flat[(i*stride): (i+1)*stride] = mask_temp indices[tpix[i]:tpix[i]+npix[i]] = sel[0] + (i*stride) if lnks is not None: if len(lnks): for l in lnks: clinks.add((l[0]+label_shift,l[1]+label_shift)) label_shift += mask_temp.max()+1 return final_flat,clinks,indices,final_shape,dL
# LABELS ARE NOW (masks,mask) for semantic seg with additional (bd,dist,weight,flows) for instance seg # semantic seg label transformations taken care of above, those are simple enough. Others # must be computed after mask transformations are made. Note that some of the labels are NOT used in training. Masks # are never used, and boundary field is conditionally used.
[docs]def batch_labels(masks,bd,T,mu,tyx,dim,nclasses,device,dist_bg=5): nimg = len(masks) nt = 2 # instance seg (labels), semantic seg (cellprob) if nclasses>1: nt += 3+dim # add boundary, distance, weight, flow components # preallocate lbl = torch.zeros((nimg,nt,)+tyx, dtype=torch.float, device=device) lbl[:,0] = masks # probably do not need to store this here, but will keep it for now lbl[:,1] = lbl[:,0]>0 # used to interpolate the mask, now thinking it is better to stay perfectly consistent if nt>2: lbl[:,2] = bd # posisiton 2 store boundary, now returned as part of linked flow computation lbl[:,3] = T # position 3 stores the smooth distance field lbl[:,3][lbl[:,3]<=0] = -dist_bg # balance with boundary logits lbl[:,-dim:] = mu*5.0 # *5 puts this in the same range as boundary logits lbl[:,4] = (1+lbl[:,1])/2 # position 4 stores the weighting image for weighted MSE # lbl[:,4] = (1.+lbl[:,1]+lbl[:,2])/3. # position 4 stores the weighting image for weighted MSE # uniform weight across cell appears to be best return lbl
#Now fully converted to work for ND. # @torch.no_grad() # try to solve memory leak in mps
[docs]def masks_to_flows_torch(masks, affinity_graph, coords=None, dists=None, device=torch.device('cpu'), omni=True, affinity_field=False, smooth=False, normalize=False, n_iter=None, weight=1, return_flows=True, edges=None, initialize=False, verbose=False): """Convert ND masks to flows. Omnipose find distance field, Cellpose uses diffusion from center of mass. Parameters ------------- masks: int, ND array labelled masks, 0 = background, 1,2,...,N = mask labels dists: ND array, float array of (nonnegative) distance field values device: torch device what compute hardware to use to run the code (GPU VS CPU) omni: bool flag to generate Omnipose flows instead of Cellpose flows smooth: bool use relaxation to smooth out distance and therby flow field n_iter: int override number of iterations Returns ------------- mu: float, 3D or 4D array flows in Y = mu[-2], flows in X = mu[-1]. if masks are 3D, flows in Z or T = mu[0]. dist: float, 2D or 3D array scalar field representing temperature distribution (Cellpose) or the smooth distance field (Omnipose) """ if np.any(masks): # the padding here is different than the padding added in masks_to_flows(); # for omni, I used to reflect across the edge like a barbarian to simulate the mask extending past the edge, then crop # now I just use the affinity graph and force connections to the boundary! centers = np.array([]) if not omni: #do original centroid projection algrorithm unique_labels = fastremap.unique(masks)[1:] # get mask centers centers = np.array(scipy.ndimage.center_of_mass(masks, labels=masks, index=unique_labels)).astype(int).T # check mask center inside mask valid = masks[tuple(centers)] == unique_labels for i in np.nonzero(~valid)[0]: crds = np.array(np.nonzero(masks==unique_labels[i])) meds = np.median(crds,axis=0) imin = np.argmin(np.sum((crds-meds)**2,axis=0)) centers[:,i]=crds[:,imin] # set number of iterations if n_iter is None: if omni and OMNI_INSTALLED: if dists is not None: # omni version requires fewer iterations n_iter = get_niter(dists) ##### omnipose.core.get_niter else: slices = scipy.ndimage.find_objects(masks) ext = np.array([[s.stop - s.start + 1 for s in slices[i-1]] for i in unique_labels]) n_iter = 2 * (ext.sum(axis=1)).max() out = _extend_centers_torch(masks, centers, affinity_graph, coords, n_iter=n_iter, device=device, omni=omni, smooth=smooth, weight=weight, return_flows=return_flows, affinity_field=affinity_field, edges=edges, initialize=initialize, verbose=verbose) if return_flows: T, mu = out if normalize: mu = utils.normalize_field(mu,use_torch=True,cutoff=0 if not smooth else 0.15) ##### transforms.normalize_field(mu,omni) if verbose: print('normalizing field') return T, mu else: return out else: return torch.zeros(masks.shape), torch.zeros((masks.ndim,)+masks.shape)
import networkx as nx # @njit() cannot compute fingerprint of empty set
[docs]def masks_to_affinity(masks, coords, steps, inds, idx, fact, sign, dim, links=None, edges=None, dists=None, cutoff=np.sqrt(2)): """ Convert label matrix to affinity graph. Here the affinity graph is an NxM matrix, where N is the number of possible hypercube connections (3**dimension) and M is the number of foreground hypervoxels. Self-connections are set to 0. idx is the central index of the kernel, inds[0]. edges is a list of tuples (y1,y2,y3,...),(x1,x2,x3,...) etc. to which all adjacent pixels should be connected concatenated masks should be paddedby 1 to make sure that doesn't cause unextpected label merging dist can be used instead for edge connectivity """ # only reason to pad with edgemode is to leverage duplicating labels to connect to boundary # must pad with 1 to allow for simple neighbor indexing # There is much larger prior padding to handle edge artifacts, but we could avoid this with more sophisticated edge handling # need two things to ask the question: 1. is_background 2. is_edge # if we are looking at an edge, we ask if we are connected to any background in any direction # if so, we do not connect to an edge # that would leave single pixels connected to an edge, so need to check its neighbors for its edge connections shape = masks.shape # dim x steps x npix array of pixel coordinates neighbors = utils.get_neighbors(coords,steps,dim,shape,edges) # define where edges are, may be in the middle of concatenated images is_edge = np.logical_and.reduce([neighbors[d]==neighbors[d][idx] for d in range(dim)]) # extract list of neighbor label values piece_masks = masks[tuple(neighbors)] # see where the neighbor matches central pixel is_self = piece_masks == piece_masks[idx] # Pixels are linked if they share the same label or are next to an edge... conditions = [is_self, is_edge ] # print([c.shape for c in conditions],len(links)) # ...or they are connected via an explicit list of labels to be linked. if links is not None and len(links)>0: is_link = np.zeros(piece_masks.shape, dtype=np.bool_) is_link = get_link_matrix(links, piece_masks, np.concatenate(inds), idx, is_link) conditions.append(is_link) affinity_graph = np.logical_or.reduce(conditions) affinity_graph[idx] = 0 # no self connections # We may not want all masks to be reflected across the edge. Thresholding by distance field # is a good way to make sure that cells are not doubled up along their boundary. if dists is not None: print('hey') affinity_graph[is_edge] = dists[tuple(neighbors)][idx][np.nonzero(is_edge)[-1]]>cutoff return affinity_graph
# @njit() error
[docs]def affinity_to_boundary(masks,affinity_graph,coords): """Convert affinity graph to boundary map. Internal hypervoxels are those that are fully connected to all their 3^D-1 neighbors, where D is the dimension. Boundary hypervoxels are those that are connected to fewer than this number and at least 1 other hypervoxel. Correct boundaries should have >=D connections, but the lower bound here is set to 1. Parameters: ----------- masks: ND array, int or binary label matrix or binary foreground mask affinity_graph: ND array, bool hypervoxel affinity array, <3^D> by <number of foreground hypervoxels> coords: tuple or ND array coordinates of foreground hypervoxels, <dim>x<npix> Returns: -------- boundary """ dim = masks.ndim csum = np.sum(affinity_graph,axis=0) boundary = np.logical_and(csum<(3**dim-1),csum>0) # check this latter condition bd_matrix = np.zeros(masks.shape,int) bd_matrix[tuple(coords)] = boundary return bd_matrix
[docs]def mode_filter(masks): """ super fast mode filter (compared to scipy, idk about PIL) to clean up interpolated labels """ pad = 1 masks = np.pad(masks,pad).astype(int) d = masks.ndim shape = masks.shape coords = np.nonzero(masks) steps, inds, idx, fact, sign = utils.kernel_setup(d) # subinds = np.concatenate(inds[0:2]) # only consider center+cardinal subinds = np.concatenate(inds) substeps = steps[subinds] # neighbors = np.array([np.add.outer(coords[i],substeps[:,i]) for i in range(d)]).swapaxes(-1,-2) neighbors = utils.get_neighbors(coords,substeps,d,shape) # good place to speed things up neighbor_masks = masks[tuple(neighbors)] mask_filt = np.zeros_like(masks) # mask_filt[coords] = scipy.stats.mode(neighbor_masks,axis=0,keepdims=1)[0] # wayyyyyy tooo slow, nearly 500ms # 30ms and identical output to mode, 16 now when I restrict to cardinal points of course # most_f = np.array([np.bincount(row).argmax() for row in neighbor_masks.T]) # mask_filt[coords] = most_f most_f = most_frequent(neighbor_masks) z = most_f==0 most_f[z] = masks[coords][z] mask_filt[coords] = most_f unpad = tuple([slice(pad,-pad)]*d) return mask_filt[unpad]
[docs]@njit # thanks to numba, this is down from 30ms to under 2ms and can keep the full kernel def most_frequent(neighbor_masks): return np.array([np.bincount(row).argmax() for row in neighbor_masks.T])
# @torch.no_grad() # try to solve memory leak in mps def _extend_centers_torch(masks, centers, affinity_graph, coords=None, n_iter=200, device=torch.device('cpu'), omni=True, smooth=False, weight=1, return_flows=True, affinity_field=False, edges=None, initialize=False, verbose=False): """ runs diffusion on GPU to generate flows for training images or quality control PyTorch implementation is faster than jitted CPU implementation, therefore only the GPU optimized code is being used moving forward. Parameters ------------- masks: int, 2D or 3D array labelled masks 0=NO masks; 1,2,...=mask labels centers: int, 2D or 3D array array of center coordinates [[y0,x0],[x1,y1],...] or [[t0,y0,x0],...] n_inter: int number of iterations device: torch device what compute hardware to use to run the code (GPU VS CPU) omni: bool whether to generate Omnipose field (solve Eikonal equation) or the Cellpose field (solve heat equation from "center") Returns ------------- mu: float, 3D or 4D array flows in Y = mu[-2], flows in X = mu[-1]. if masks are 3D, flows in Z (or T) = mu[0]. dist: float, 2D or 3D array the smooth distance field (Omnipose) or temperature distribution (Cellpose) boundaries: bool, 2D or 3D array binary field representing 1-connected boundary """ d = masks.ndim shape = masks.shape npix = affinity_graph.shape[-1] steps, inds, idx, fact, sign = utils.kernel_setup(d) if coords is None: coords = np.nonzero(masks>0) # >0 to handle -1 labels at edge; do I use that anymore? check... else: coords = tuple(coords) # we want to index the flatened pixel list T will of shape (npix,) neighbors = utils.get_neighbors(coords,steps,d,shape,edges) # shape (d,3**d,npix) indexes, neigh_inds, ind_matrix = utils.get_neigh_inds(tuple(neighbors),coords,shape) central_inds = ind_matrix[tuple(neighbors[:,idx])] centroid_inds = ind_matrix[tuple(centers)] if len(centers) else np.zeros(0) if verbose: print('affinity_graph',affinity_graph.shape,affinity_graph.dtype) print('index shape',indexes.shape) print('neighbors shape',neighbors.shape) print('neigh_inds shape',neigh_inds.shape) print('central_inds shape',central_inds.shape) print('centroid_inds shape',centroid_inds.shape) # previous neighbor-finding code has been replaced with affinity_graph code # this is always precomputed by this stage dtype = torch.float # T = torch.zeros(npix, dtype=dtype, device=device) T = torch.ones(npix, dtype=dtype, device=device) d = torch.tensor(d) idx = torch.tensor(idx) fact = torch.tensor(fact) steps = torch.tensor(steps,device=device) inds = tuple([torch.tensor(i) for i in inds]) omni = torch.tensor(omni) smooth = torch.tensor(smooth) verbose = torch.tensor(verbose) isneigh = torch.tensor(affinity_graph,device=device,dtype=torch.bool) # isneigh shape (3**d,npix) neigh_inds = torch.tensor(neigh_inds,device=device) central_inds = torch.tensor(central_inds,device=device,dtype=torch.long) centroid_inds = torch.tensor(centroid_inds,device=device,dtype=torch.long) if affinity_field: # experimenting with using the connectivity graph to define the scalar field precition class T = torch.tensor(affinity_graph,device=device,dtype=dtype).sum(axis=0) else: if initialize and d<=3: T = torch.tensor(edt.edt(masks)[coords],device=device) if n_iter is None: n_iter = torch.tensor(50) else: n_iter = torch.tensor(n_iter) T = _iterate(T,neigh_inds,central_inds,centroid_inds, idx,d,inds,fact,isneigh,n_iter,omni,smooth,verbose) ret = [] if return_flows: # calculate gradient with contributions along cardinal, ordinal, etc. # new implementation is 30x faster than an earlier version n_axes = len(fact)-1 s = [n_axes,d,isneigh.shape[-1]] mu_ = torch.zeros((d,)+shape,device=device,dtype=dtype) mu_[(Ellipsis,)+coords] = _gradient(T,d,steps,fact,inds,isneigh,neigh_inds,central_inds,s) if verbose: print('mu',mu_.shape) ret += [mu_] # .detach() adds a lot of time? # put back into ND T_ = torch.zeros(shape,device=device,dtype=dtype) T_[coords] = T # put it first ret = [T_]+ret return (*ret,) @torch.jit.script # saves maybe 10% def update_torch(a,f,fsq): # Turns out we can just avoid a ton of individual if/else by evaluating the update function # for every upper limit on the sorted pairs. I do this by pieces using cumsum. The radicand # being nonegative sets the upper limit on the sorted pairs, so we simply select the largest # upper limit that works. I also put a couple of the indexing tensors outside of the loop. """Update function for solving the Eikonal equation. """ a,_ = torch.sort(a,dim=0) # sorting was the source of the small artifact bug am = a*((a-a[-1])<f) sum_a = am.sum(dim=0) sum_a2 = (am**2).sum(dim=0) # return (1/d)*(sum_a+torch.sqrt(torch.clamp((sum_a**2)-d*(sum_a2-fsq),min=0))) # return (1/d)*(sum_a+torch.clamp((sum_a**2)-d*(sum_a2-fsq),min=0)**0.5) # return (1/d)*(am.sum(dim=0)+torch.clamp((am.sum(dim=0)**2)-d*((am**2).sum(dim=0)-fsq),min=0)**0.5) # return (1/d)*(sum_a+torch.sqrt(torch.clamp((sum_a**2)-d*(sum_a2-fsq),min=0))) d = a.shape[0] # d acutally needed to be the number of elements being compared, not dimension return (1/d)*(sum_a+torch.sqrt(torch.clamp((sum_a**2)-d*(sum_a2-fsq),min=0))) @torch.jit.script def eikonal_update_torch(Tneigh: torch.Tensor, r: torch.Tensor, d: torch.Tensor, index_list: List[torch.Tensor], factors: torch.Tensor): """Update for iterative solution of the eikonal equation on GPU.""" # preallocate array to multiply into to do the geometric mean # Tneigh always has shape 1 x nconnections x npix geometric = 1 phi_total = torch.ones_like(Tneigh[0,:]) if geometric else torch.zeros_like(Tneigh[0,:]) # loop over each index list + weight factor n = len(factors) - 1 w = 0. for inds,f,fsq in zip(index_list[1:],factors[1:],factors[1:]**2): # find the minimum of each hypercube pair along each axis npair = len(inds)//2 # mins = torch.stack([torch.fmin(Tneigh[inds[i],:],Tneigh[inds[-(i+1)],:]) for i in range(npair)]) mins = torch.stack([torch.minimum(Tneigh[inds[i],:],Tneigh[inds[-(i+1)],:]) for i in range(npair)]) # apply update rule using the array of mins, update = update_torch(mins,f,fsq) # put into storage array if geometric: phi_total *= update else: phi_total += update phi_total = torch.pow(phi_total,1/n) if geometric else phi_total/n return phi_total @torch.jit.script def _iterate(T: torch.Tensor, # 1D tensor of scalar values at each pixel neigh_inds: torch.Tensor, central_inds: torch.Tensor, centroid_inds: torch.Tensor, idx: torch.Tensor, d: torch.Tensor, inds: List[torch.Tensor], fact: torch.Tensor, isneigh: torch.Tensor, n_iter: torch.Tensor, omni: torch.Tensor, smooth: torch.Tensor, verbose: torch.Tensor): T0 = T.clone() eps = 1e-3 if not smooth else 1e-8 # eps = 1e-5 # n_iter = 200 if verbose: print('eps is ', eps, 'n_iter is', n_iter) # I wonder if it is possible to reduce the update grid after points converge t = torch.tensor(0) not_converged = torch.tensor(True) error = torch.tensor(1) npix = isneigh.shape[-1] # r = torch.arange(0,npix) r = central_inds while not_converged: if omni:# and OMNI_INSTALLED: Tneigh = T[neigh_inds] Tneigh *= isneigh #zeros out any elements that do not belong in convolution T = eikonal_update_torch(Tneigh,r,d,inds,fact) # now central_inds = 0,1,2,3,... else: T[centroid_inds] += 1 # error = mse(T,T0) error = (T-T0).square().mean() #faster than mse function if omni: not_converged = torch.logical_and(error>eps, t<n_iter) # not_converged = torch.logical_and(torch.tensor(error>eps), torch.tensor(t<n_iter)) # not_converged = torch.logical_and(error>eps, torch.tensor(t<n_iter)) else: not_converged = t<n_iter # helps to do a bit of smoothing to start get the signal propagated if not omni or t<1 or smooth: # or not not_converged Tneigh = T[neigh_inds] Tneigh *= isneigh T = Tneigh.mean(dim=0) # mean along the <3**d>-element column does the box convolution # update the old one T0.copy_(T) # faster than T0 = T.clone() or T0[:] = T t+=1 if verbose: print('iter: ',t,'{:.10f}'.format(error)) # There is still a fade out effect on long cells, not enough iterations to diffuse far enough I think # The log operation does not help much to alleviate it, would need a smaller constant inside. if not omni: T = torch.log(1.+ T) return T @torch.jit.script def _gradient(T,d,steps,fact, inds: List[torch.Tensor], isneigh, neigh_inds: torch.Tensor, central_inds: torch.Tensor, s: List[int] ): finite_differences = torch.zeros(s,device=T.device,dtype=T.dtype) cvals = T[central_inds] for ax,(ind,f) in enumerate(zip(inds[1:],fact[1:])): vals = T[neigh_inds[ind]] # maybe go bakc to passing neigh_vals vals[~isneigh[ind]] = 0 # T[]*mask prevent bleedover / boundary issues, big problem in stock Cellpose that got reverted! mid = len(ind)//2 r = torch.arange(mid) # unit vectors vecs = steps[ind].float() uvecs = (vecs[-(r+1)] - vecs[r]).T #/(2*f) #move normalization to end for speed # calculate differences along each axis with directional pairs diff = (vals[-(r+1)]-vals[r]) # /(2*f) # dot products, project differences onto cardinal coorinate system finite_differences[ax] = torch.matmul(uvecs,diff) / (2*f)**2 # finite_differences[ax] = torch.einsum('ij,jk->ik', uvecs, diff) / (2*f)**2 mu = torch.mean(finite_differences,dim=0) # do some averaging with neighbors, but weighted by dot product so that magnitude does not fall off weight = torch.sum(mu[:,neigh_inds]*(mu[:,central_inds].unsqueeze(1)),dim=0).abs() # A.B weight[~isneigh] = 0 wsum = weight.sum(dim=0) return torch.where(wsum!=0, (mu[:,neigh_inds]*weight).sum(dim=1) / wsum, torch.zeros_like(wsum)) # ## Section II: mask recontruction
[docs]def compute_masks(dP, dist, affinity_graph=None, bd=None, p=None, coords=None, iscell=None, niter=None, rescale=1.0, resize=None, mask_threshold=0.0, diam_threshold=12.,flow_threshold=0.4, interp=True, cluster=False, boundary_seg=False, affinity_seg=False, do_3D=False, min_size=None, max_size=None, hole_size=None, omni=True, calc_trace=False, verbose=False, use_gpu=False, device=None, nclasses=2, dim=2, eps=None, hdbscan=False, flow_factor=6, debug=False, override=False, suppress=None, despur=True): """ Compute masks using dynamics from dP, dist, and boundary outputs. Called in cellpose.models(). Parameters ------------- dP: float, ND array flow field components (2D: 2 x Ly x Lx, 3D: 3 x Lz x Ly x Lx) dist: float, ND array distance field (Ly x Lx) bd: float, ND array boundary field p: float32, ND array initial locations of each pixel before dynamics, size [axis x Ly x Lx] or [axis x Lz x Ly x Lx]. coords: int32, 2D array non-zero pixels to run dynamics on [npixels x D] niter: int32 number of iterations of dynamics to run rescale: float (optional, default None) resize factor for each image, if None, set to 1.0 resize: int, tuple shape of array (alternative to rescaling) mask_threshold: float all pixels with value above threshold kept for masks, decrease to find more and larger masks flow_threshold: float flow error threshold (all cells with errors below threshold are kept) (not used for Cellpose3D) interp: bool interpolate during dynamics cluster: bool use sub-pixel DBSCAN clustering of pixel coordinates to find masks do_3D: bool (optional, default False) set to True to run 3D segmentation on 4D image input min_size: int (optional, default 15) minimum number of pixels per mask, can turn off with -1 omni: bool use omnipose mask recontruction features calc_trace: bool calculate pixel traces and return as part of the flow verbose: bool turn on additional output to logs for debugging use_gpu: bool use GPU of flow_threshold>0 (computes flows from predicted masks on GPU) device: torch device what compute hardware to use to run the code (GPU VS CPU) nclasses: number of output classes of the network (Omnipose=3,Cellpose=2) dim: int dimensionality of data / model output eps: float internal epsilon parameter for (H)DBSCAN hdbscan: use better, but much SLOWER, hdbscan clustering algorithm (experimental) flow_factor: multiple to increase flow magnitude (used in 3D only, experimental) debug: option to return list of unique mask labels as a fourth output (for debugging only) Returns ------------- mask: int, ND array label matrix p: float32, ND array final locations of each pixel after dynamics, size [axis x Ly x Lx] or [axis x Lz x Ly x Lx]. tr: float32, ND array intermediate locations of each pixel during dynamics, size [axis x niter x Ly x Lx] or [axis x niter x Lz x Ly x Lx]. For debugging/paper figures, very slow. bd: float32, ND array boundary map augmented_affinity: float32, ND array concatenated coordinates and affinity graph, hence (d+1,3**d,npix) """ # print('aaa',affinity_seg, suppress) # do everything in padded arrays for boundary/affinity functions pad = 0 ## # pad = 1 ## # print('pad',pad) if do_3D: dim = 3 pad_seq = [(0,)*2]+[(pad,)*2]*dim unpad = tuple([slice(pad,-pad) if pad else slice(None,None)]*dim) # works in case pad is zero if hole_size is None: hole_size = 3**(dim//2) # just a guess labels = None if verbose: startTime0 = time.time()'mask_threshold is {mask_threshold}') if omni and (not SKIMAGE_ENABLED): omnipose_logger.warning('Omni enabled but skimage not enabled') # inds very useful for debugging and figures; allows us to easily specify specific indices for Euler integration if iscell is None: if coords is not None: iscell = np.zeros_like(dist,dtype=np.int32) iscell[tuple(coords)] = 1 else: if (omni and SKIMAGE_ENABLED) or override: if verbose:'Using hysteresis threshold.') iscell = filters.apply_hysteresis_threshold(dist, mask_threshold-1, mask_threshold) # good for thin features else: iscell = dist > mask_threshold # analog to original iscell=(cellprob>cellprob_threshold) # if nclasses>1, we can do instance segmentation. if np.any(iscell) and nclasses>1: iscell_pad = np.pad(iscell,pad) # I should get rid of all padding commands, padding is zero now coords = np.array(np.nonzero(iscell_pad)).astype(np.int32) shape = iscell_pad.shape # for boundary later, also for affinity_seg option # steps = utils.get_steps(dim) # perhaps should factor this out of the function steps, inds, idx, fact, sign = utils.kernel_setup(dim) if suppress is None: suppress = omni and not affinity_seg # Euler suppression ON with omni unless affinity seg #preprocess flows if omni and OMNI_INSTALLED: # Euler suppression may be bad in 3D in general, fyi if suppress:# and not affinity_seg: # dP_ = div_rescale(dP,iscell) / rescale ##### omnipose.core.div_rescale # print('testing something new') # dP_ = utils.normalize_field(dP) # dP_ *= (1-utils.rescale(dist)) # this is the winner I think dP_ = div_rescale(dP,iscell) / rescale ##### omnipose.core.div_rescale # dP_ /= np.clip(dist,1,np.inf) # this is a problem in some places, 06/13/2023 else: dP_ = dP.copy()/5. # else: # dP_ = utils.normalize_field(dP) # dP_ = bd_rescale(dP,mask, 4*bd) / rescale ##### omnipose.core.div_rescale # dP_ = dP.copy() if dim>2 and suppress: dP_ *= flow_factor print('dP_ times {} for >2d, still experimenting'.format(flow_factor)) else: dP_ = dP * iscell / 5. dP_pad = np.pad(dP_,pad_seq) dt_pad = np.pad(dist,pad) bd_pad = np.pad(bd,pad) bounds = None # boundary seg can be stupid fast but it is a little broken if boundary_seg: # new tactic is to use flow to compute boundaries, including self-contact ones if verbose:'doing new boundary seg') bd = get_boundary(np.pad(dP,pad_seq),iscell_pad) labels, bounds, _ = boundary_to_masks(bd,iscell_pad) hole_size = 0 # turn off small hole filling, still do area threhsolding # compatibility p = np.zeros([2,1,1]) tr = [] else: # do the ol' Euler-integration + clustering # the clustering algorithm requires far fewer iterations because it # can handle subpixel separation to define blobs, whereas the thresholding method # requires blobs to be separated by more than 1 pixel # new affinity_seg does not do Euler supression and benefits from moderate point clustering if (cluster or affinity_seg or not suppress) and niter is None: # niter = int(diameters(iscell,dist)) # dividing by two is sometimes necessary, but it seems like it might be generally more harm than good niter = int(diameters(iscell,dist)/(1+affinity_seg)) # if verbose: #'niter is now {}'.format(niter)) if p is None: p, coords, tr = follow_flows(dP_pad, dt_pad, coords, niter=niter, interp=interp, use_gpu=use_gpu, device=device, omni=omni, suppress= suppress, calc_trace=calc_trace, verbose=verbose) else: tr = [] coords = np.stack(np.nonzero(iscell_pad)) if verbose:'p given') # print('a2',shape,p.shape,coords.shape) #calculate masks if (omni and OMNI_INSTALLED) or override: if affinity_seg: hole_size = 0 # turn off small hole filling, still do area threhsolding if affinity_graph is None: if verbose:'computing affinity graph') # assuming we have no passed in the affinity graph, we need to compute it affinity_graph, neighbors, neigh_inds = _get_affinity(steps, iscell_pad, dP_pad, dt_pad, p, coords, pad=pad) # initial_points = coords # affinity_graph = _get_affinity_torch(initial_points, # final_points, # flow_pred/5., #<<<<<<<<<<< add support for other options here # dist_pred, # foreground, # steps, # fact, # niter, # ) # elif despur: # if it is passed in, we need the neigh_inds to compute masks # (though eventually we will want this to also be in parallel on GPU...) neighbors = utils.get_neighbors(tuple(coords),steps,dim,shape, pad=pad) # shape (d,3**d,npix) indexes, neigh_inds, ind_matrix = utils.get_neigh_inds(tuple(neighbors),tuple(coords),shape) despur = dim==2 and despur # only do despur in 2D if verbose and not despur:'despur disabled') if despur: non_self = np.array(list(set(np.arange(len(steps)))-{inds[0][0]})) # I need these to be in order cardinal = np.concatenate(inds[1:2]) ordinal = np.concatenate(inds[2:]) affinity_graph = _despur(affinity_graph, neigh_inds, indexes, steps, non_self, cardinal, ordinal, dim) # I need to make sure that the masks/coords also get updated... bounds = affinity_to_boundary(iscell_pad,affinity_graph,tuple(coords)) if cluster: labels = affinity_to_masks(affinity_graph,neigh_inds,iscell_pad,coords,verbose=verbose) # move bounds here, out of get affinity else: # maybe faster version that skips connected components using the affinity graph # and instead uses the boundary output to define masks (implict connected components) if verbose:'doing affinity seg without cluster.') labels, bounds, _ = boundary_to_masks(bounds,iscell_pad) else: labels, _ = get_masks(p, bd_pad, dt_pad, iscell_pad, coords, nclasses, cluster=cluster, diam_threshold=diam_threshold, verbose=verbose, eps=eps, hdbscan=hdbscan) ##### omnipose.core.get_masks affinity_graph = None # could replace with masks to affinity coords = np.nonzero(labels) else: labels = get_masks_cp(p, iscell=iscell_pad, flows = dP_pad if flow_threshold>0 else None, use_gpu=use_gpu) ### just get_masks # flow thresholding factored out of get_masks # still could be useful for boundaries! Need to put in the self-contact boundaries as input <<<<<< # also can now turn on for do_3D... if not do_3D: flows = np.pad(dP,pad_seq) # original flow shape0 = flows.shape[1:] if labels.max()>0 and flow_threshold is not None and flow_threshold > 0 and flows is not None: # print('aaa',np.count_nonzero(labels),np.array(coords).shape,affinity_graph.shape) labels = remove_bad_flow_masks(labels, flows, coords=coords, affinity_graph=affinity_graph, threshold=flow_threshold, use_gpu=use_gpu, device=device, omni=omni) _,labels = np.unique(labels, return_inverse=True) labels = np.reshape(labels, shape0).astype(np.int32) # need to reconsider this for self-contact... ended up just disabling with hole size 0 masks = fill_holes_and_remove_small_masks(labels, min_size=min_size, max_size=max_size, ##### utils.fill_holes_and_remove_small_masks hole_size=hole_size, dim=dim)*iscell_pad # masks = labels # Resize mask, semantic or instance resize_pad = np.array([r+2*pad for r in resize]) if resize is not None else labels.shape if tuple(resize_pad)!=labels.shape: if verbose:'resizing output with resize = {resize_pad}') # mask = resize_image(mask, resize[0], resize[1], interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST).astype(np.int32) ratio = np.array(resize_pad)/np.array(labels.shape) masks = zoom(masks, ratio, order=0).astype(np.int32) iscell_pad = masks>0 dt_pad = zoom(dt_pad, ratio, order=1) dP_pad = zoom(dP_pad, np.concatenate([[1],ratio]), order=1) # for boundary # affinity_seg not compatible with rescaling after euler integration # would need to upscale predcitons first if verbose and affinity_seg:'affinity_seg not compatible with rescaling, disabling') affinity_seg = False if not affinity_seg or boundary_seg: bounds = find_boundaries(masks,mode='inner',connectivity=dim) # If using default omnipose/cellpose for getting masks, still try to get accurate boundaries if bounds is None: if verbose: print('Default clustering on, finding boundaries via affinity.') affinity_graph, neighbors, neigh_inds, bounds = _get_affinity(steps,masks,dP_pad,dt_pad,p,inds, pad=pad) # boundary finder gets rid of some edge pixels, remove these from the mask gone = neigh_inds[3**dim//2,np.sum(affinity_graph,axis=0)==0] # coords = np.argwhere(masks) crd = coords.T masks[tuple(crd[gone].T)] = 0 iscell_pad[tuple(crd[gone].T)] = 0 else: # ensure that the boundaries are consistent with mask cleanup # only small masks would be deleted here, no changes otherwise to boundaries bounds *= masks>0 fastremap.renumber(masks,in_place=True) #convenient to guarantee non-skipped labels # moving the cleanup to the end helps avoid some bugs arising from scaling... # maybe better would be to rescale the min_size and hole_size parameters to do the # cleanup at the prediction scale, or switch depending on which one is bigger... masks_unpad = masks[unpad] if pad else masks bounds_unpad = bounds[unpad] if pad else bounds if affinity_seg: # I also want to return the raw affinity graph # the problem there is that it is computed on the padded array # besides unpadding, I need to delete columns for missing pixels # Idea here is that I index everything corresponding to the affinity graph first # then I figure out which of these columns correspond to pixels that are in the final masks # this works by looking at an array of indices the same size as the image, and any pixels not part # of the original affinity graph do not participate, i.e. hole filling does not work coords_remaining = np.nonzero(masks) inds_remaining = ind_matrix[coords_remaining] affinity_graph_unpad = affinity_graph[:,inds_remaining] neighbors_unpad = neighbors[...,inds_remaining] - pad # I also want to package the affinity graph with the pixel coordinates # then there is no ambiguity and can extract a binary mask # thus the augmented affinity graph would be (d+1,3**d,npix) augmented_affinity = np.vstack((neighbors_unpad,affinity_graph_unpad[np.newaxis])) # # newer version that takes care of mask cleanup as well # # NOTE: without padding, this subsample affinity may be very overkill # # all I need to do is truncate the affinity graph so that neighbors and affinity are deleted where cleanup occurred # slc = tuple([slice(pad,shape[d]-pad) for d in range(dim)]) # augmented_affinity = np.vstack((neighbors,affinity_graph[np.newaxis])) # augmented_affinity = utils.subsample_affinity(augmented_affinity,slc,masks) # this also applied to the traced pixels if calc_trace: # tr = tr[:,inds_remaining]-pad print('warning calc trace not cropped') else: augmented_affinity = [] ret = [masks_unpad, p, tr, bounds_unpad, augmented_affinity] else: # nothing to compute, just make it compatible'No cell pixels found.') ret = [iscell, np.zeros([2,1,1]), [], iscell, []] if debug: ret += [labels] # also return the version of labels are prior to filling holes etc. if verbose: executionTime0 = (time.time() - startTime0)'compute_masks() execution time: {:.3g} sec'.format(executionTime0))'\texecution time per pixel: {:.6g} sec/px'.format(executionTime0/'\texecution time per cell pixel: {:.6g} sec/px'.format(np.nan if not np.count_nonzero(labels) else executionTime0/np.count_nonzero(labels))) return (*ret,)
# Omnipose requires (a) a special suppressed Euler step and (b) a special mask reconstruction algorithm. # no reason to use njit here except for compatibility with jitted fuctions that call it # this way, the same factor is used everywhere (CPU with/without interp, GPU)
[docs]@njit() def step_factor(t): """ Euler integration suppression factor. Conveneient wrapper function allowed me to test out several supression factors. Parameters ------------- t: int time step """ return (1+t)
[docs]def div_rescale(dP,mask,p=1): """ Normalize the flow magnitude to rescaled 0-1 divergence. Parameters ------------- dP: float, ND array flow field mask: int, ND array label matrix Returns ------------- dP: float, ND array rescaled flow field """ dP = dP.copy() dP *= mask dP = utils.normalize_field(dP) if p>0: # div = utils.normalize99(likewise(dP)) div = utils.normalize99(divergence(dP))**p dP *= div return dP
[docs]def sigmoid(x): """The sigmoid function.""" return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))
# def bd_rescale(dP,mask,bd): # dP = dP.copy() # dP *= mask # dP = utils.normalize_field(dP) # w = np.stack([bd]*mask.ndim) # dP *= sigmoid(bd) # return dP
[docs]def divergence(f,sp=None): """ Computes divergence of vector field Parameters ------------- f: ND array, float vector field components [Fx,Fy,Fz,...] sp: ND array, float spacing between points in respecitve directions [spx, spy, spz,...] """ num_dims = len(f) return np.ufunc.reduce(np.add, [np.gradient(f[i], axis=i) for i in range(num_dims)])
[docs]def get_masks(p, bd, dist, mask, inds, nclasses=2,cluster=False, diam_threshold=12., eps=None, hdbscan=False, verbose=False): """Omnipose mask recontruction algorithm. This function is called after dynamics are run. The final pixel coordinates are provided, and cell labels are assigned to clusters found by labeling the pixel clusters after rounding the coordinates (snapping each pixel to the grid and labeling the resulting binary mask) or by using DBSCAN or HDBSCAN for sub-pixel clustering. Parameters ------------- p: float32, ND array final locations of each pixel after dynamics bd: float, ND array boundary field dist: float, ND array distance field mask: bool, ND array binary cell mask inds: int, ND array initial indices of pixels for the Euler integration [npixels x ndim] nclasses: int number of prediciton classes cluster: bool use DBSCAN clustering instead of coordinate thresholding diam_threshold: float mean diameter under which clustering will be turned on automatically eps: float internal espilon parameter for (H)DBSCAN hdbscan: bool use better, but much SLOWER, hdbscan clustering algorithm verbose: bool option to print more info to log file Returns ------------- mask: int, ND array label matrix labels: int, list all unique labels """ if nclasses > 1: dt = np.abs(dist[mask]) #abs needed if the threshold is negative d = dist_to_diam(dt,mask.ndim) else: #backwards compatibility, doesn't help for *clusters* of thin/small cells d = diameters(mask,dist) if eps is None: eps = 2**0.5 # The mean diameter can inform whether or not the cells are too small to form contiguous blobs. # My first solution was to upscale everything before Euler integration to give pixels 'room' to # stay together. My new solution is much better: use a clustering algorithm on the sub-pixel coordinates # to assign labels. It works just as well and is faster because it doesn't require increasing the # number of points or taking time to upscale/downscale the data. Users can toggle cluster on manually or # by setting the diameter threshold higher than the average diameter of the cells. if verbose:'Mean diameter is %f'%d) if d <= diam_threshold: #diam_threshold needs to change for 3D cluster = True if verbose and not cluster:'Turning on subpixel clustering for label continuity.') cell_px = tuple(inds) coords = np.nonzero(mask) newinds = p[(Ellipsis,)+cell_px].T mask = np.zeros(p.shape[1:],np.uint32) # the eps parameter needs to be opened as a parameter to the user if verbose:'cluster: {}, SKLEARN_ENABLED: {}'.format(cluster,SKLEARN_ENABLED)) if cluster and SKLEARN_ENABLED: if verbose: startTime = time.time() alg = ['','H']'Doing {}DBSCAN clustering with eps={}'.format(alg[hdbscan],eps)) if hdbscan and not HDBSCAN_ENABLED: omnipose_logger.warning('HDBSCAN clustering requested but not installed. Defaulting to DBSCAN') if hdbscan and HDBSCAN_ENABLED: clusterer = HDBSCAN(cluster_selection_epsilon=eps, # allow_single_cluster=True, min_samples=3) else: clusterer = DBSCAN(eps=eps, min_samples=5, n_jobs=-1) labels = clusterer.labels_ # filter out small clusters # unique_labels = set(labels) - {-1,0} # for l in unique_labels: # hits = labels==l # if np.sum(hits)<9: # labels[hits] = -1 # make outliers if verbose: executionTime = (time.time() - startTime)'Execution time in seconds: ' + str(executionTime))'{} unique labels found'.format(len(np.unique(labels))-1)) #### snapping outliers to nearest cluster snap = True if snap: nearest_neighbors = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=50) neighbors = o_inds = np.where(labels==-1)[0] if len(o_inds): outliers = [newinds[i] for i in o_inds] distances, indices = neighbors.kneighbors(outliers) ns = labels[indices] # if len(ns)>0: l = [n[np.where(n!=-1)[0][0] if np.any(n!=-1) else 0] for n in ns] # l = [n[(np.where(n!=-1)+(0,))[0][0] ] for n in ns] labels[o_inds] = l ### mask[cell_px] = labels+1 # outliers have label -1 else: #this branch can have issues near edges newinds = np.rint(newinds.T).astype(int) new_px = tuple(newinds) skelmask = np.zeros_like(dist, dtype=bool) skelmask[new_px] = 1 #disconnect skeletons at the edge, 5 pixels in border_mask = np.zeros(skelmask.shape, dtype=bool) border_px = border_mask.copy() border_mask = binary_dilation(border_mask, border_value=1, iterations=5) border_px[border_mask] = skelmask[border_mask] if verbose:'nclasses: {}, mask.ndim: {}'.format(nclasses,mask.ndim)) if nclasses == mask.ndim+2: #can use boundary to erase joined edge skelmasks border_px[bd>-1] = 0 if verbose:'Using boundary output to split edge defects.') # else: #otherwise do morphological opening to attempt splitting # # border_px = binary_opening(border_px,border_value=0,iterations=3) skelmask[border_mask] = border_px[border_mask] if SKIMAGE_ENABLED: cnct = skelmask.ndim #-1 labels = measure.label(skelmask,connectivity=cnct) #is this properly generalized to ND? seems like it works else: labels = label(skelmask)[0] mask[cell_px] = labels[new_px] if verbose:'Done finding masks.') return mask, labels
# Generalizing to ND. Again, torch required but should be plenty fast on CPU too compared to jitted but non-explicitly-parallelized CPU code. # also should just rescale to desired resolution HERE instead of rescaling the masks later... <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< # grid_sample will only work for up to 5D tensors (3D segmentation). Will have to address this shortcoming if we ever do 4D. (see my pull request to torchvf for this # I got rid of the map_coordinates branch, I tested execution times and pytorch implemtation seems as fast or faster # @torch.jit.script # deleted steps interp in favor of just using steps_batch as a unified function in ND. # can use nearest interpolation if needed.
[docs]def steps_batch(p, dP, niter, omni=True, suppress=True, interp=True, calc_trace=False, calc_bd=False, verbose=False): """Euler integration of pixel locations p subject to flow dP for niter steps in N dimensions. Parameters ---------------- p: float32, tensor pixel locations [axis x Lz x Ly x Lx] (start at initial meshgrid) dP: float32, ND array flows [axis x Lz x Ly x Lx] niter: int32 number of iterations of dynamics to run Returns --------------- p: float32, ND array final locations of each pixel after dynamics """ align_corners = True # mode = 'nearest' if (omni and not suppress) else 'bilinear' # we want to use bilinear interpolation if using Euler suppression # Affinity reconstruction does not require Euler suppression # and we want to also be able to toggle this globally with interp arg # (omni and and not suppress) is false when affinity is on interp = interp and not suppress mode = 'bilinear' if interp else 'nearest' if verbose:'interp is {interp}, interpolation mode is {mode}') d = dP.shape[1] # number of components = number of dimensions shape = dP.shape[2:] # shape of component array is the shape of the ambient volume inds = list(range(d))[::-1] # grid_sample requires a particular ordering # print('inds', inds,p.shape, p.min(), p.max()) device = dP.device # get the device from dP tensor shape = np.array(shape)[inds]-1. # dP is d.Ly.Lx, inds flips this to flipped X-1, Y-1, ... # print('SHAPE',shape) B,D,I = p.shape # print('p...',p.shape,inds,shape) # pt = p[:,inds].permute(0,2,1).unsqueeze(1).float() pt = p[:,inds].permute(0,2,1).view([B]+[1]*(D-1)+[I,D]).float() # print('pt_new',pt.shape) pt0 = pt.clone() # save first flow = dP[:,inds] # inds is just flipping the spatial component ordering from TYX to XYT # print('point, flow shape',pt.shape,flow.shape) for k in range(d): pt[...,k] = 2*pt[...,k]/shape[k] - 1 flow[:,k] = 2*flow[:,k]/shape[k] if calc_trace: dims = [-1,niter]+[-1]*(pt.ndim-1) trace = torch.clone(pt).detach().unsqueeze(1).expand(*dims) # add time if omni and OMNI_INSTALLED and suppress: dPt0 = torch.nn.functional.grid_sample(flow, pt, mode=mode, align_corners=align_corners) for t in range(niter): if calc_trace and t>0: trace[:,t].copy_(pt) # print('aa',flow.shape,pt.shape) dPt = torch.nn.functional.grid_sample(flow, pt, mode=mode, align_corners=align_corners) if omni and OMNI_INSTALLED and suppress: dPt = (dPt+dPt0) / 2. # average with previous flow dPt0.copy_(dPt) # update old flow dPt /= step_factor(t) # suppression factor for k in range(d): #clamp the final pixel locations pt[...,k] = torch.clamp(pt[...,k] + dPt[:,k], -1., 1.) pt = (pt+1)*0.5 for k in range(d): pt[...,k] *= shape[k] if calc_trace: trace = (trace+1)*0.5 for k in range(d): trace[...,k] *= shape[k] if calc_trace: # tr = trace[...,inds].permute(0,1,-1,2,3) tr = trace[...,inds].transpose(-1,1).contiguous() else: tr = None # p = pt[...,inds].permute(0,-1,1,2) p = pt[...,inds].transpose(-1,1).contiguous() empty_cache() return p, tr
# now generalized and simplified. Will work for ND if dependencies are updated.
[docs]def follow_flows(dP, dist, inds, niter=None, interp=True, use_gpu=True, device=None, omni=True, suppress=False, calc_trace=False, verbose=False): """ define pixels and run dynamics to recover masks in 2D Pixels are meshgrid. Only pixels with non-zero cell-probability are used (as defined by inds) Parameters ---------------- dP: float32, 3D or 4D array flows [axis x Ly x Lx] or [axis x Lz x Ly x Lx] inds: int, ND array initial indices of pixels for the Euler integration niter: int number of iterations of dynamics to run interp: bool interpolate during dynamics use_gpu: bool use GPU to run interpolated dynamics (faster than CPU) omni: bool flag to enable Omnipose suppressed Euler integration etc. calc_trace: bool flag to store and retrun all pixel coordinates during Euler integration (slow) Returns --------------- p: float32, ND array final locations of each pixel after dynamics inds: int, ND array initial indices of pixels for the Euler integration [npixels x ndim] tr: float32, ND array list of intermediate pixel coordinates for each step of the Euler integration """ if verbose:'niter: {niter}, interp: {interp}, suppress: {suppress}, calc_trace: {calc_trace}') if niter is None: niter = 200 niter = np.uint32(niter) cell_px = (Ellipsis,)+tuple(inds) # got rid of the interp vs not interp branch in favor of just using nearest interpolation in the # interp code; make single batch compatible with batched integrator with unsqueezing flow_pred = torch.tensor(dP,device=device).unsqueeze(0) shape = flow_pred.shape B = shape[0] # this should be 1 in this branch, from unsqueezing dim = shape[1] dims = shape[-dim:] #spatial dims coords = [torch.arange(0, l, device=device) for l in dims] mesh = torch.meshgrid(coords, indexing = "ij") init_shape = [B, 1] + ([1] * len(dims)) initial_points = torch.stack(mesh, dim = 0) # torchvf flips with mesh[::-1] initial_points = initial_points.repeat(init_shape).float() final_points = initial_points.clone() if inds.ndim < 2 or inds.shape[0] < dim: omnipose_logger.warning('WARNING: no mask pixels found') tr = None else: final_p, tr = steps_batch(initial_points[cell_px], flow_pred, niter, omni=omni, # omni controls the momentum term I have suppress=suppress, # Euler suppression can be independent, i.e. with agginity_seg interp=interp, calc_trace=calc_trace, verbose=verbose) final_points[cell_px] = final_p.squeeze() p = final_points.squeeze().cpu().numpy() return p, inds, tr
[docs]def remove_bad_flow_masks(masks, flows, coords=None, affinity_graph=None, threshold=0.4, use_gpu=False, device=None, omni=True): """ remove masks which have inconsistent flows Uses metrics.flow_error to compute flows from predicted masks and compare flows to predicted flows from network. Discards masks with flow errors greater than the threshold. Parameters ---------------- masks: int, 2D or 3D array labelled masks, 0=NO masks; 1,2,...=mask labels, size [Ly x Lx] or [Lz x Ly x Lx] flows: float, 3D or 4D array flows [axis x Ly x Lx] or [axis x Lz x Ly x Lx] threshold: float masks with flow error greater than threshold are discarded Returns --------------- masks: int, 2D or 3D array masks with inconsistent flow masks removed, 0=NO masks; 1,2,...=mask labels, size [Ly x Lx] or [Lz x Ly x Lx] """ merrors, _ = flow_error(masks, flows, coords, affinity_graph, use_gpu, device, omni) ##### metrics.flow_error badi = 1+(merrors>threshold).nonzero()[0] masks[np.isin(masks, badi)] = 0 return masks
[docs]def flow_error(maski, dP_net, coords=None, affinity_graph=None, use_gpu=False, device=None, omni=True): """ error in flows from predicted masks vs flows predicted by network run on image This function serves to benchmark the quality of masks, it works as follows 1. The predicted masks are used to create a flow diagram 2. The mask-flows are compared to the flows that the network predicted If there is a discrepancy between the flows, it suggests that the mask is incorrect. Masks with flow_errors greater than 0.4 are discarded by default. Setting can be changed in Cellpose.eval or CellposeModel.eval. Parameters ------------ maski: ND-array (int) masks produced from running dynamics on dP_net, where 0=NO masks; 1,2... are mask labels dP_net: ND-array (float) ND flows where dP_net.shape[1:] = maski.shape Returns ------------ flow_errors: float array with length maski.max() mean squared error between predicted flows and flows from masks dP_masks: ND-array (float) ND flows produced from the predicted masks """ if dP_net.shape[1:] != maski.shape:'ERROR: net flow is not same size as predicted masks') return # ensure unique masks # maski = np.reshape(np.unique(maski.astype(np.float32), return_inverse=True)[1], maski.shape) fastremap.renumber(maski,in_place=True) # flows predicted from estimated masks and boundaries idx = -1 # flows are the last thing returned now dim = maski.ndim dP_masks = masks_to_flows(maski, dim=dim, coords=coords, affinity_graph=affinity_graph, use_gpu=use_gpu, device=device, omni=omni)[idx].cpu().numpy() ##### dynamics.masks_to_flows # difference between predicted flows vs mask flows flow_errors = np.zeros(maski.max()) for i in range(dP_masks.shape[0]): flow_errors += mean((dP_masks[i] - dP_net[i]/5.)**2, maski, #the /5 is to compensate for the *5 we do for training index=np.arange(1, maski.max()+1)) return flow_errors, dP_masks
# ## Section III: training # Omnipose has special training settings. Loss function and augmentation. # Spacetime segmentation: augmentations need to treat time differently # Need to assume a particular axis is the temporal axis; most convenient is tyx.
[docs]def random_rotate_and_resize(X, Y=None, scale_range=1., gamma_range=[.75,2.5], tyx = (224,224), do_flip=True, rescale=None, inds=None, nchan=1): """ augmentation by random rotation and resizing X and Y are lists or arrays of length nimg, with channels x Lt x Ly x Lx (channels optional, Lt only in 3D) Parameters ---------- X: float, list of ND arrays list of image arrays of size [nchan x Lt x Ly x Lx] or [Lt x Ly x Lx] Y: float, list of ND arrays list of image labels of size [nlabels x Lt x Ly x Lx] or [Lt x Ly x Lx]. The 1st channel of Y is always nearest-neighbor interpolated (assumed to be masks or 0-1 representation). If Y.shape[0]==3, then the labels are assumed to be [distance, T flow, Y flow, X flow]. links: list of label links lists of label pairs linking parts of multi-label object together this is how omnipose gets around boudary artifacts druing image warps scale_range: float (optional, default 1.0) Range of resizing of images for augmentation. Images are resized by (1-scale_range/2) + scale_range * np.random.rand() gamma_range: float, list images are gamma-adjusted im**gamma for gamma in [low,high] tyx: int, tuple size of transformed images to return, e.g. (Ly,Lx) or (Lt,Ly,Lx) do_flip: bool (optional, default True) whether or not to flip images horizontally rescale: float, array or list how much to resize images by before performing augmentations inds: int, list image indices (for debugging) nchan: int number of channels the images have Returns ------- imgi: float, ND array transformed images in array [nimg x nchan x xy[0] x xy[1]] lbl: float, ND array transformed labels in array [nimg x nchan x xy[0] x xy[1]] scale: float, 1D array scalar(s) by which each image was resized """ dist_bg = 5 # background distance field was set to -dist_bg; now is variable dim = len(tyx) # 2D will just have yx dimensions, 3D will be tyx nimg = len(X) imgi = np.zeros((nimg, nchan)+tyx, np.float32) lbl = np.zeros((nimg,)+tyx, np.float32) scale = np.zeros((nimg,dim), np.float32) # first two basis vectors in any dimension, used to define rotation v1 = [0]*(dim-1)+[1] v2 = [0]*(dim-2)+[1,0] for n in range(nimg): img = X[n].copy() y = None if Y is None else Y[n] # use recursive function here to pass back single image that was cropped appropriately #'/home/kcutler/DataDrive/debug/img_orig.png',img[0]) #'/home/kcutler/DataDrive/debug/label_orig.tiff',y[n]) #so at this point the bad label is just fine imgi[n], lbl[n], scale[n] = random_crop_warp(img, y, tyx, v1, v2, nchan, 1 if rescale is None else rescale[n], scale_range, gamma_range, do_flip, inds is None if inds is None else inds[n]) return imgi, lbl, np.mean(scale) #for size training, must output scalar size (need to check this again)
# This function allows a more efficient implementation for recursively checking that the random crop includes cell pixels. # Now it is rerun on a per-image basis if a crop fails to capture .1 percent cell pixels (minimum). # scale is just a placeholder, the point to to figure out what the true rescaling facor is
[docs]def random_crop_warp(img, Y, tyx, v1, v2, nchan, rescale, scale_range, gamma_range, do_flip, ind, do_labels=True, depth=0): """ This sub-fuction of `random_rotate_and_resize()` recursively performs random cropping until a minimum number of cell pixels are found, then proceeds with augemntations. Parameters ---------- X: float, list of ND arrays image array of size [nchan x Lt x Ly x Lx] or [Lt x Ly x Lx] Y: float, ND array image label array of size [nlabels x Lt x Ly x Lx] or [Lt x Ly x Lx].. The 1st channel of Y is always nearest-neighbor interpolated (assumed to be masks or 0-1 representation). If Y.shape[0]==3, then the labels are assumed to be [cell probability, T flow, Y flow, X flow]. tyx: int, tuple size of transformed images to return, e.g. (Ly,Lx) or (Lt,Ly,Lx) nchan: int number of channels the images have rescale: float, array or list how much to resize images by before performing augmentations scale_range: float Range of resizing of images for augmentation. Images are resized by (1-scale_range/2) + scale_range * np.random.rand() gamma_range: float, list images are gamma-adjusted im**gamma for gamma in [low,high] do_flip: bool (optional, default True) whether or not to flip images horizontally ind: int image index (for debugging) dist_bg: float nonegative value X for assigning -X to where distance=0 (deprecated, now adapts to field values) depth: int how many time this function has been called on an image Returns ------- imgi: float, ND array transformed images in array [nchan x xy[0] x xy[1]] lbl: float, ND array transformed labels in array [nchan x xy[0] x xy[1]] scale: float, 1D array scalar by which the image was resized """ dim = len(tyx) # np.random.seed(depth) if depth>100: error_message = """Sparse or over-dense image detected. Problematic index is: {}. Image shape is: {}. tyx is: {}. rescale is {}""".format(ind,img.shape,tyx,rescale) omnipose_logger.critical(error_message) #'/home/kcutler/DataDrive/debug/img'+str(depth)+'.png',img[0]) raise ValueError(error_message) if depth>200: error_message = """Recusion depth exceeded. Check that your images contain cells and background within a typical crop. Failed index is: {}.""".format(ind) omnipose_logger.critical(error_message) raise ValueError(error_message) return # labels that will be passed to the loss function # # lbl = np.zeros((nt,)+tyx, np.float32) if do_labels else numpx = # number of pixels if Y is not None: labels = Y.copy() # We want the scale distibution to have a mean of 1 # There may be a better way to skew the distribution to # interpolate the parameter space without skewing the mean # ds = scale_range/2 # scale = np.random.uniform(low=1-ds,high=1+ds,size=dim) #anisotropic scaling # scale = np.random.uniform(low=1/scale_range,high=scale_range,size=dim) #anisotropic scaling scale = np.random.triangular(left=1/scale_range, mode=1, right=scale_range, size=dim) # weight to 1 # I need to make sure the scaling does not apply to time dimension... if rescale is not None: scale *= 1. / rescale else: scale = 1 # compatibility just in case # image dimensions are always the last <dim> in the stack (again, convention here is different) s = img.shape[-dim:] # generate random warp and crop theta = np.random.rand() * np.pi * 2 # M = mgen.rotation_from_angle_and_plane(theta,v1,v2) #not generalizing correctly to 3D? had -theta before rot = mgen.rotation_from_angle_and_plane(-theta,v2,v1) # M = # we only need inverse matrix for warp M_inv = np.diag(1./scale).dot(rot.T) # inverse of AB is (B_inv)(A_inv), and rot is orthogonal so transpose is inverse # could define v3 and do another rotation here and compose them for more complicated 3D augmentations, # but usually the xy axes are distinct from z due to resolution limits, let alone t axes = range(dim) s = img.shape[-dim:] rt = (np.random.rand(dim,) - .5) #random translation -.5 to .5 dxy = [rt[a]*(np.maximum(0,s[a]-tyx[a])) for a in axes] # # replace this random translation with one biased toward cell density # wrap this in an if any foreground if I try it again # foreground = labels>0 # # Compute the projections and smooth them # # projections = [np.sum(foreground, axis=a) for a in axes] # # Compute the projections and smooth them # projections = [np.sum(foreground, axis=tuple(a for a in axes if a != ax)) for ax in axes] # # print('pp',projections[0].shape) # smoothed_projections = [uniform_filter(p, size=3) for p in projections] # # smoothed_projections = projections # # Normalize the smoothed projections to get probabilities # normalized_projections = [p / np.sum(p) for p in smoothed_projections] # # Replace the random translation with a weighted random choice based on these probabilities # rt = [np.random.choice(np.arange(len(p)), p=p)/len(p) - 0.5 for p in normalized_projections] # dxy = [rt[a]*(np.maximum(0,s[a]-tyx[a])) for a in axes] # print(dxy) c_in = 0.5 * np.array(s) + dxy c_out = 0.5 * np.array(tyx) offset = c_in -, c_out) # M = np.vstack((M,offset)) # mode = 'reflect' # should maybe alternate between reflect and extend and even cosntant mode = np.random.choice(['constant','nearest','mirror']) lbl = do_warp(labels, M_inv, tyx, offset=offset, order=0, mode=mode) # order 0 is 'nearest neighbor' # check to make sure the region contains at enough cell pixels; if not, retry # cellpx = np.sum(lbl>0) # I used to recursively search for a crop that contained at least 10% cell pixels, # to avoid the case where the crop is all background. This would mess up flow and I # reasoned that we never want to train on just background. However, the new code handles # background just fine and so this is no longer necessary. # indented for readibility, will remove at some point # cutoff = (numpx/10**(dim+1)) # .1 percent of pixels must be cells # if cellpx<cutoff:# or cellpx==numpx: # had to disable the overdense feature for cyto2 # # may not actually be a problem now anyway # #'/home/kcutler/DataDrive/debug/img'+str(depth)+'.png',img[0]) # #'/home/kcutler/DataDrive/debug/training'+str(depth)+'.png',lbl[0]) # return random_crop_warp(img, Y, tyx, v1, v2, nchan, rescale, scale_range, # gamma_range, do_flip, ind, do_labels, depth=depth+1) # else: # # continue on, this filter helps get rid of orphaned pixels (not perfect though) # lbl = mode_filter(lbl) if np.any(lbl): lbl = mode_filter(lbl) #flows now computed in parallel in masks_to_flows_batch # it occurs to me that maybe we could parallelize this image augmentation too if we compromise # and just use the same parameters for all images, at least for cropping... since flows are done in parallel, # there is no longer an ussue if the patch has no cells # each augmentation is now on 50% of the time to ensure that the network also gets to see "raw" images (raw meaning just warped) imgi = np.zeros((nchan,)+tyx, np.float32) for k in range(nchan): imgi[k] = do_warp(utils.rescale(img[k]), M_inv, tyx, order=1, offset=offset, mode=mode) # some augmentations I only want on half of the time # both for speed and because I want the network to see relatively raw images aug_choices = np.random.choice([0,1],6) # faster to preallocate # gamma agumentation - simulates different contrast, the most important and preserves fine structure gamma = np.random.triangular(left=gamma_range[0], mode=1, right=gamma_range[1]) imgi[k] = imgi[k] ** gamma # defocus augmentation (inaccurate, but effective) if aug_choices[0]: imgi[k] = gaussian_filter(imgi[k],np.random.uniform(0,2)) # percentile clipping augmentation if aug_choices[1]: dp = .1 # changed this from 10 to .1, as usual pipleine uses 0.01, 10 was way too high for some images dpct = np.random.triangular(left=0, mode=0, right=dp, size=2) # weighted toward 0 imgi[k] = utils.normalize99(imgi[k],upper=100-dpct[0],lower=dpct[1]) # noise augmentation if SKIMAGE_ENABLED and aug_choices[2]: var_range = 1e-2 var = np.random.triangular(left=1e-8, mode=1e-8, right=var_range, size=1) # imgi[k] = random_noise(utils.rescale(imgi[k]), mode="poisson")#, seed=None, clip=True) # poisson is super slow... np.random.posson is faster # also posson alwasy gave the same noise, which is very bad... this is # but gaussian speckle is MUCH faster,<1ms vs >4ms imgi[k] = random_noise(imgi[k], mode='speckle',var=var) # imgi[k] = utils.add_gaussian_noise(imgi[k],0,var) # bit depth augmentation if aug_choices[3]: bit_shift = int(np.random.triangular(left=0, mode=8, right=14, size=1)) im = utils.to_16_bit(imgi[k]) # imgi[k] = utils.normalize99(im>>bit_shift) imgi[k] = utils.rescale(im>>bit_shift) # edge / line artifact augmentation # omnipose was hallucinating stuff at boundaries if aug_choices[4]: # border_mask = np.zeros(tyx, dtype=bool) # border_mask = binary_dilation(border_mask, border_value=1, iterations=1) # imgi[k][border_mask] = 1 border_inds = utils.border_indices(tyx) imgi[k].flat[border_inds] *= np.random.uniform(0,1) # set some pixels randomly to 0 or 1 # much faster than random_noise s&p if aug_choices[5]: indices = np.random.rand(*tyx) < 0.001 imgi[k][indices] = np.random.choice([0, 1], size=np.count_nonzero(indices)) # Moved to the end because it conflicted with the recursion. # Also, flipping the crop is ultimately equivalent and slightly faster. # We now flip along every axis (randomly); could make do_flip a list to avoid some axes if needed if do_flip: for d in range(1,dim+1): if np.random.choice([0,1]): imgi = np.flip(imgi,axis=-d) if Y is not None: lbl = np.flip(lbl,axis=-d) # only flip the spatial dimensions now # reasoning is that time and even PSF in z are not symmetric # for d in range(1,2+1): # if np.random.choice([0,1]): # imgi = np.flip(imgi,axis=-d) # if Y is not None: # lbl = np.flip(lbl,axis=-d) return imgi, lbl, scale
[docs]def do_warp(A,M_inv,tyx,offset=0,order=1,mode='constant',**kwargs):#,mode,method): """ Wrapper function for affine transformations during augmentation. Uses scipy.ndimage.affine_transform(). Parameters -------------- A: NDarray, int or float input image to be transformed M_inv: NDarray, float inverse tranformation matrix order: int interpolation order, 1 is equivalent to 'nearest', """ return affine_transform(A, M_inv, offset=offset, output_shape=tyx, order=order, mode=mode,**kwargs)
[docs]def loss(self, lbl, y): """ Loss function for Omnipose. Parameters -------------- lbl: ND-array, float transformed labels in array [nimg x nchan x xy[0] x xy[1]] lbl[:,0] cell masks lbl[:,1] thresholded mask layer lbl[:,2] boundary field lbl[:,3] smooth distance field lbl[:,4] boundary-emphasizing weights lbl[:,5:] flow components y: ND-tensor, float network predictions, with dimension D, these are: y[:,:D] flow field components at 0,1,...,D-1 y[:,D] distance fields at D y[:,D+1] boundary fields at D+1 """ cellmask = lbl[:,1]>0 if self.nclasses==1: # semantic segmentation loss1 = self.criterion(y[:,0],cellmask) #MSE loss2 = self.criterion2(y[:,0],cellmask) #BCElogits return loss1+loss2 else: # flow components are stored as the last self.dim slices veci = lbl[:,-self.dim:] dist = lbl[:,3] # now distance transform replaces probability boundary = lbl[:,2] w = lbl[:,4].detach() # w = lbl[:,1].detach() wt = torch.stack([w]*self.dim,dim=1).detach() flow = y[:,:self.dim] # 0,1,...self.dim-1 dt = y[:,self.dim] experimental = 0 if experimental: a = 0.01 # inner = (a+lbl[:,1]-boundary).detach()/(1+a) inner = lbl[:,1].detach() # bound = (boundary.detach()+a)/(1+a) # outer = (1-lbl[:,1]+boundary+a).detach()/(1+a) inner = torch.stack([inner]*self.dim,dim=1).detach() # weight inside the cell loss1 = self.criterion12(flow,veci,inner) #see if reducing MSE to inside the cell would help # loss1 = self.criterion12(flow,veci,wt)/5 #weighted MSE, seems to still be useful # loss2 = self.criterion17(flow,veci,bound) #SineSquaredLoss # loss5 = self.criterion15(flow,veci,outer) #normloss # loss2 = self.criterion17(flow,veci,outer) #SineSquaredLoss # loss5 = self.criterion15(flow,veci,w) #normloss # this is the golden pairing thus far else: loss1 = self.criterion12(flow,veci,wt) #weighted MSE, seems to still be useful loss2, loss5 = self.criterion3(flow,veci,dist,w,boundary) #SineSquaredLoss + norm loss # experimenting with not having any boundary output if self.nclasses==(self.dim+2): bd = y[:,self.dim+1] loss4 = self.criterion2(bd,boundary) #BCElogits else: loss4 = 0 # loss6 = self.criterion12(dt,dist,w) #weighted MSE on distance field, plain MSE does NOT work loss6 = self.criterion12(dt,dist,w)/25 #weighted MSE on distance field, plain MSE does NOT work # one reason plain MSE might be bad is that I have an extra 1/5 in there that is for the flow... # but it works so I am keeping it # might want to cosnider doing a fractional MSE, percent change, for distance # for l in [loss1,loss2,loss5,loss6]: # print(l.item()) # print('\n') # this should be the one that gave really bright, normalized flow at edges # but it might require w to be specific # return 10*(loss1+loss2+loss4+loss5+loss6)+self.criterion0(flow,veci) if experimental: return 2*(5*loss1+5*loss2+loss4+10*loss5+loss6)+self.criterion0(flow,veci)/5 # experimental else: # return self.criterion(dt,dist)+ self.criterion(flow,veci) # euler / ivp loss added here # return 2*(5*loss1+loss2+loss4+loss5+loss6)+self.criterion0(flow,veci) # golden? # return 2*(2.5*self.dim*loss1+loss2+loss4+loss5+loss6)+self.criterion0(flow,veci) # maybe ND generalzied... # ct = torch.stack([cellmask]*self.dim,dim=1) # lossD1 = self.criterionD(flow,veci,wt,ct) # lossD2 = self.criterionD(dt.unsqueeze(1),dist.unsqueeze(1),w.unsqueeze(1),cellmask.unsqueeze(1)) lossA, lossE, lossB = self.criterionA(flow,dt,veci,dist) lossA *=100 # print(lossA.item(),lossE.item(),lossB.item()) # print(lossA, self.criterion0(flow,veci)) lossA much bigger than ivp... that deserves debugging # return 2*(5*loss1+loss2+loss4+loss5+loss6) + lossE + lossA # S1 = self.criterionS(flow,veci) # lossS = self.criterionS(dist,dt) # with 255 # lossS = self.criterionS((dist+5)/5,(dt+5)/5) # with 1 # the fistance field has wird stuff happening, I hope # that making its gradient explicitly equal to the GT flow will help # dims = [k for k in range(-self.dim,0)] dims = [k for k in range(1,self.dim+1)] grad = torch.stack(torch.gradient(dt,dim=dims),axis=1) # # print('gdgd',veci.shape,grad.shape,dist.shape,dt.shape) # # sel = torch.where(ct) # cross_loss = torch.mean(torch.sum(torch.square(veci/5.-grad),axis=0))/10 # return self.dim*(2.5*self.dim*loss1+loss2+loss4+loss5+loss6)+self.criterion0(flow,veci) # maybe ND generalzied... # return lossS+self.dim*(2.5*self.dim*loss1+loss2+loss4+loss5+loss6)+self.criterion0(flow,veci) # maybe ND generalzied... # mask_pred = (dt>0).float() # loss_fg = self.criterion2(mask_pred,cellmask.float()) # y_sigmoid = torch.sigmoid(dt).long() # # Compute BCE loss # target = cellmask*5. # target[target==0] = -5 # loss_sig = self.criterionB(dt,target) # this is effectively the norm loss on the distance field # eps = 1e-10 # eikonal_loss = self.criterion12(torch.sqrt(torch.sum(torch.square(grad),axis=1)+eps), # torch.sqrt(torch.sum(torch.square(veci/5.),axis=1)+eps),w) # elu_loss = F.elu(dt-dist).mean() # suppress places where dt is smaller than dist, focus on where it is larger # return cross_loss+self.dim*(2.5*self.dim*loss1+loss2+loss4+loss5+(self.dim/2)*loss6)+self.criterion0(flow,veci) # maybe ND generalzied... # return loss_fg+cross_loss+self.dim*(2.5*self.dim*loss1+loss2+loss4+loss5+self.dim*loss6)+self.criterion0(flow,veci) # maybe ND generalzied... # lossC = self.criterionC(dt[cellmask],dist[cellmask]) # lossC = self.criterionC(dt,dist) # S = torch.sum(dist>0) # N = torch.square(S-torch.sum(dt>0)) # fg_loss = N/S if S > 0 else N euler_loss = self.criterion0(flow,veci) / 2 div = divergence_torch(veci) # div *= boundary # div = (div-div.min())/(div.max()-div.min()) # divergence_loss = 10*self.criterion12(div, divergence_torch(flow), w) div_flow = divergence_torch(flow) # lossDC = self.criterionC(div[cellmask],div_flow[cellmask]) # lossC = self.criterionC(div[cellmask], divergence_torch(grad*5.)[cellmask]) # lossDC = self.criterion(div,div_flow)/5 # lossC = self.criterion(div, divergence_torch(grad*5.))/5 # inner = torch.where(dist>2) inner = torch.where(cellmask) lossDC = self.criterion(div[inner],div_flow[inner])/10. # lossC = self.criterion(div[inner], divergence_torch(grad*5.)[inner])/25. # inner = dist>2 # loss_int = torch.sum(div_flow*inner>0)/torch.sum(inner) # could also do a product of div and shifted dist, so that positive becomes negative # at the edge # or hing loss on the div # product = div * div_flow / 4 # hinge_loss = torch.mean(torch.clamp(1 - product, min=-1)) # idea with this is to suppress any matches that are positive, and really # penalize any mismatches in sign # product = div[cellmask] * div_flow[cellmask] * dist[cellmask] # hinge_loss = torch.mean(torch.exp(torch.clamp(-product,min=-5,max=5))) # hinge_loss = torch.mean(torch.clamp(1 - product, min=0)) # or just sum all the pixels that are positive when they ar enot supposed to be # inner = dist>1 # hinge_loss = torch.mean(torch.clamp(div_flow[inner], min=0))*10 # hinge_loss = F.relu(4-div[inner] * div_flow[inner]).mean()*10 # hinge_loss = self.criterion(torch.clamp(dist,min=0),torch.clamp(dt,min=0)) # lossDC = self.criterionC(div, divergence_torch(flow)) # sel = torch.where(torch.logical_and(dist>=0,dist<=np.sqrt(self.dim))) # boundary_loss = torch.mean(torch.square(dt[sel]-dist[sel])) # boundary_loss = torch.square(torch.max(dt,dim=0)-torch.max(dist,dim=0)).mean() # divergence_loss_2 = 10*self.criterion12(div, divergence_torch(grad), w) # print('div2',divergence_loss_2.item()) # print('MSE_flow',loss1.item(),'SSL',loss2.item(), # 'normloss',loss5.item(),'MSE_dist',loss6.item(), # # 'eikonal',eikonal_loss.item(), # 'euler1',euler_loss.item(), # 'euler2',lossE.item(), # # 'corr',lossC.item(), # 'dc',lossDC.item(), # 'aff',lossA.item(), # # 'hinge_',hinge_loss.item() # # 'fg',fg_loss.item() # # 'bd',boundary_loss.item() # # 'int',loss_int.item() # ) #SSL should only apply where the divergence is positive # well, by bd weighting before basically did that # return divergence_loss_2 + divergence_loss + eikonal_loss+ 2*(2.5*self.dim*loss1+loss2+loss4+loss5+self.dim*loss6)+ euler_loss # return loss1+loss4+loss6+lossDC+lossC #+hinge_loss#+loss_int #+fg_loss #boundary_loss #eikonal_loss # return loss1+loss2+loss4+loss5+loss6+euler_loss+lossDC+lossC#+hinge_loss#+loss_int #+fg_loss #boundary_loss #eikonal_loss return loss1+loss2+loss4+loss5+loss6+lossA+lossE+lossDC#+lossC#+hinge_loss#+loss_int #+fg_loss #boundary_loss #eikonal_loss
# return (lossD1+lossD2)/10+self.dim*(2.5*self.dim*loss1+loss2+loss4+loss5+loss6)+self.criterion0(flow,veci) # maybe ND generalzied... # it occurs to me that the flow-based loss might need to be weighted # more with higher dimension compared to the other terms. this is because # the loss terms reduce everyhting to a mean despire far more terms contributing # 3D is not workign as expected, try going back to basics # return 5*loss1+loss2+loss4+loss5+loss6 # return 5*loss1+loss6+loss4 # loss1 and 6 are wieghted MSE on the flow and distance fields, respectively # looks like avoiding the normloss and/or sinesquared loss is better for the background in 3D... why? # return 5*loss1+loss6+loss4 + loss2 # try adding back in ssl # ok, so it seems like SSL is fine. Must have been either ivp or norm loss, but I already tried all but ivp, so probably is the norm loss # return 2*(5*loss1+loss6+loss4 + loss2)+self.criterion0(flow,veci)/5 # npw add back in ivp # indeed, must be the norm loss causing the problem in 3D. Very odd. # try removing ssl, it might be causing the splitting in 3D # return 2*(5*loss1+loss6+loss4)+self.criterion0(flow,veci)/5 # now try affinity loss # lossA, lossE, lossB = self.criterionA(flow,dt,veci,dist) # print(lossA, self.criterion0(flow,veci)) lossA much bigger than ivp... that deserves debugging # return 2*(5*loss1+loss2+loss4+loss5+loss6)+lossB/5 + lossA/5 # return 10*(loss1+loss6)+self.criterion0(flow,veci) # anything with just pure MSE is terrible # loss7 = self.criterionB(1.0*(dt>0),lbl[:,1]*1.0) # compare thresholded distance to thresholded mask # loss7 = self.criterion(1.0*(dt>0),lbl[:,1]*1.0) # compare thresholded distance to thresholded mask # return 2*(5*loss1+loss5+loss6)+self.criterion0(flow,veci)+loss7 # return self.criterionACB(flow,veci)+self.criterionACB(dt,dist)+loss4 # return 2*(5*loss1+loss2+loss4+loss5+loss6)+lossE # how about a max beteeen loss1 and loss2? # return 2*(5*loss1+2*loss2+loss4+loss5+loss6)+self.criterion0(flow,veci) # return 5*(loss1+5*loss2+loss4+loss5+loss6)#+self.criterion0(flow,veci) # ## Section IV: Helper functions duplicated from cellpose_omni, plan to find a way to merge them back without import loop
[docs]def get_masks_cp(p, iscell=None, rpad=20, flows=None, use_gpu=False, device=None): """ create masks using pixel convergence after running dynamics Makes a histogram of final pixel locations p, initializes masks at peaks of histogram and extends the masks from the peaks so that they include all pixels with more than 2 final pixels p. Discards masks with flow errors greater than the threshold. Parameters ---------------- p: float32, 3D or 4D array final locations of each pixel after dynamics, size [axis x Ly x Lx] or [axis x Lz x Ly x Lx]. iscell: bool, 2D or 3D array if iscell is not None, set pixels that are iscell False to stay in their original location. rpad: int (optional, default 20) histogram edge padding flows: float, 3D or 4D array (optional, default None) flows [axis x Ly x Lx] or [axis x Lz x Ly x Lx]. If flows is not None, then masks with inconsistent flows are removed using `remove_bad_flow_masks`. Returns --------------- M0: int, 2D or 3D array masks with inconsistent flow masks removed, 0=NO masks; 1,2,...=mask labels, size [Ly x Lx] or [Lz x Ly x Lx] """ pflows = [] edges = [] shape0 = p.shape[1:] dims = len(p) if iscell is not None: if dims==3: inds = np.meshgrid(np.arange(shape0[0]), np.arange(shape0[1]), np.arange(shape0[2]), indexing='ij') elif dims==2: inds = np.meshgrid(np.arange(shape0[0]), np.arange(shape0[1]), indexing='ij') for i in range(dims): p[i, ~iscell] = inds[i][~iscell] for i in range(dims): pflows.append(p[i].flatten().astype('int32')) edges.append(np.arange(-.5-rpad, shape0[i]+.5+rpad, 1)) h,_ = np.lib.histogramdd(pflows, bins=edges) hmax = h.copy() for i in range(dims): hmax = maximum_filter1d(hmax, 5, axis=i) seeds = np.nonzero(np.logical_and(h-hmax>-1e-6, h>10)) Nmax = h[seeds] isort = np.argsort(Nmax)[::-1] for s in seeds: s = s[isort] pix = list(np.array(seeds).T) shape = h.shape if dims==3: expand = np.nonzero(np.ones((3,3,3))) else: expand = np.nonzero(np.ones((3,3))) for e in expand: e = np.expand_dims(e,1) for iter in range(5): for k in range(len(pix)): if iter==0: pix[k] = list(pix[k]) newpix = [] iin = [] for i,e in enumerate(expand): epix = e[:,np.newaxis] + np.expand_dims(pix[k][i], 0) - 1 epix = epix.flatten() iin.append(np.logical_and(epix>=0, epix<shape[i])) newpix.append(epix) iin = np.all(tuple(iin), axis=0) for p in newpix: p = p[iin] newpix = tuple(newpix) igood = h[newpix]>2 for i in range(dims): pix[k][i] = newpix[i][igood] if iter==4: pix[k] = tuple(pix[k]) M = np.zeros(h.shape, np.int32) for k in range(len(pix)): M[pix[k]] = 1+k for i in range(dims): pflows[i] = pflows[i] + rpad M0 = M[tuple(pflows)] # remove big masks _,counts = np.unique(M0, return_counts=True) big = * 0.4 for i in np.nonzero(counts > big)[0]: M0[M0==i] = 0 _,M0 = np.unique(M0, return_inverse=True) M0 = np.reshape(M0, shape0) # moved to compute masks # if M0.max()>0 and threshold is not None and threshold > 0 and flows is not None: # M0 = remove_bad_flow_masks(M0, flows, threshold=threshold, use_gpu=use_gpu, device=device) # _,M0 = np.unique(M0, return_inverse=True) # M0 = np.reshape(M0, shape0).astype(np.int32) return M0
[docs]def fill_holes_and_remove_small_masks(masks, min_size=None, max_size=None, hole_size=3, dim=2): """ fill holes in masks (2D/3D) and discard masks smaller than min_size (2D) fill holes in each mask using scipy.ndimage.morphology.binary_fill_holes Parameters ---------------- masks: int, 2D or 3D array labelled masks, 0=NO masks; 1,2,...=mask labels, size [Ly x Lx] or [Lz x Ly x Lx] min_size: int (optional, default 3**dim) minimum number of pixels per mask (exclusive), can turn off with -1 max_size: int (optional, default None) maximum number of pixels per mask (exclusive) hole_size: int (optional, default 3) holes bigger than this are NOT filled dim: int (optional, default 2) dimension of the masks Returns --------------- masks: int, 2D or 3D array masks with holes filled and masks smaller than min_size removed, 0=NO masks; 1,2,...=mask labels, size [Ly x Lx] or [Lz x Ly x Lx] """ # Min size taken to be an N-cube in ND (9 pixels, 27 voxels, ...) if not specified if min_size is None: min_size = 3**dim # N cube # if masks.ndim==2 or dim>2: # formatting to integer is critical # need to test how it does with 3D masks = ncolor.format_labels(masks, min_area=min_size)#, clean=True) fill_holes = hole_size>0 # toggle off hole filling by setting hole size to 0 slices = find_objects(masks) j = 0 for i,slc in enumerate(slices): if slc is not None: msk = masks[slc] == (i+1) npix = msk.sum() too_small = npix < min_size too_big = False if max_size is None else npix > max_size if (min_size > 0) and (too_small or too_big): masks[slc][msk] = 0 elif fill_holes: hsz = np.count_nonzero(msk)*hole_size/100 #turn hole size into percentage #eventually the boundary output should be used to properly exclude real holes vs label gaps # for not I just toggle it off if SKIMAGE_ENABLED: # Omnipose version (passes 2D tests) pad = 1 unpad = tuple([slice(pad,-pad)]*dim) padmsk = remove_small_holes(np.pad(msk,pad,mode='constant'),area_threshold=hsz) msk = padmsk[unpad] else: #Cellpose version msk = binary_fill_holes(msk) masks[slc][msk] = (j+1) j+=1 return masks
[docs]def get_boundary(mu,mask,bd=None,affinity_graph=None,contour=False,use_gpu=False,device=None,desprue=False): """One way to get boundaries by considering flow dot products. Will be deprecated.""" d = mu.shape[0] pad = 1 pad_seq = [(0,)*2]+[(pad,)*2]*d unpad = tuple([slice(pad,-pad)]*d) mu_pad = utils.normalize_field(np.pad(mu,pad_seq)) lab_pad = np.pad(mask,pad) steps = utils.get_steps(d) steps = np.array(list(set([tuple(s) for s in steps])-set([(0,)*d]))) # remove zero shift element # first time to extract boundaries # REPLACE THIS with affinity graph code? or if branch... if bd is None: bd_pad = np.zeros_like(lab_pad,dtype=bool) bd_pad = _get_bd(steps, np.int32(lab_pad), mu_pad, bd_pad) # for k in range(2): s_inter = 0 while desprue and s_inter<np.sum(bd_pad): # for k in [0]: sp = utils.get_spruepoints(bd_pad) desprue = np.any(sp) bd_pad[sp] = False # remove spurs bd_pad = remove_small_objects(bd_pad,min_size=9) else: bd_pad = np.pad(bd,pad).astype(bool) #second time to parametrize # probably a way to do the boundary finding and stepping in the same step... if contour: T,mu_pad = masks_to_flows(lab_pad, affinity_graph=affinity_graph, use_gpu=use_gpu, device=device)[-2:]#,smooth=0,normalize=1) # utils.imshow(T,10) step_ok, ind_shift, cross, dot = _get_bd(steps, lab_pad, mu_pad, bd_pad) # values = -(dot+cross) # clockwise values = (-dot+cross) # anticlockwise bd_coords = np.array(np.nonzero(bd_pad)) bd_inds = np.ravel_multi_index(bd_coords,bd_pad.shape) labs = np.take(lab_pad,bd_inds) unique_L = fastremap.unique(labs) contours = parametrize(steps,np.int32(labs),np.int32(unique_L),bd_inds,ind_shift,values,step_ok) # value_map = np.zeros(bd_pad.shape,dtype=np.float64) contour_map = np.zeros(bd_pad.shape,dtype=np.int32) for contour in contours: coords_t = np.unravel_index(contour,bd_pad.shape) contour_map[coords_t] = np.arange(1,len(contour)+1) # contour_map[coords_t] = contours return contour_map[unpad], contours else: return bd_pad[unpad]
# numba does not work yet with this indexing... # @njit('(int64[:,:], int32[:,:], float64[:,:,:], boolean[:,:])', nogil=True) def _get_bd(steps, lab_pad, mu_pad, bd_pad): """Helper function to get_boundaries.""" get_bd = np.all(~bd_pad) axes = range(mu_pad.shape[0]) mask_pad = lab_pad>0 coord = np.nonzero(mask_pad) coords = np.argwhere(mask_pad).T A = mu_pad[(Ellipsis,)+coord] mag_pad = np.sqrt(np.sum(mu_pad**2,axis=0)) mag_A = mag_pad[coord] if not get_bd: dot = [] cross = [] ind_shift = [] step_ok = [] #whether or not this step will take you off the boundary else: angles1 = [] angles2 = [] cutoff1 = np.pi*(1/2.5) # was 1/2, then 1/3, then 1/2.5 or 2/5 cutoff2 = np.pi*(3/4) # was 3/4, changed to 0.9, back to 3/4 for s in steps: mag_s = np.sqrt(np.sum(s**2,axis=0)) if get_bd: # First see if the flow is parallel to the flow OPPOSITE the direction of the step neigh_opp = tuple(coords-s[np.newaxis].T) B = mu_pad[(Ellipsis,)+neigh_opp] mag_B = mag_pad[neigh_opp] dot1 = np.sum(np.multiply(A,B),axis=0) angle1 = np.arccos(dot1.clip(-1,1)) angle1[np.logical_and(mask_pad[coord],mask_pad[neigh_opp]==0)] = np.pi # consider all background pixels to be opposite # next see if the flow is parallel with the step itself dot2 = utils.safe_divide(np.sum([A[a]*(-s[a]) for a in axes],axis=0), mag_s * mag_A) angle2 = np.arccos(dot2.clip(-1,1))#*mag_A # note the mag_A multiplication here, attenuates angles1.append(angle1>cutoff1) angles2.append(angle2>cutoff2) # alternate to this: get full affinities and then determine boundaries by connectivity after the fact else: # maybe I want the dot product with the fild at the step point, choose the most similar # neigh_step = tuple(coords+s[np.newaxis].T) neigh_bd = tuple(coords[:,bd_pad[coord]]) neigh_step = tuple(coords[:,bd_pad[coord]]+s[np.newaxis].T) A = mu_pad[(Ellipsis,)+neigh_bd] mag_A = mag_pad[neigh_bd] B = mu_pad[(Ellipsis,)+neigh_step] mag_B = mag_pad[neigh_step] dot1 = utils.safe_divide(np.sum(np.multiply(A,B),axis=0),(mag_B * mag_A)) dot.append(dot1) dot2 = utils.safe_divide(np.sum([B[a]*(s[a]) for a in axes],axis=0), mag_s * mag_B)#/ (mag_A*mag_s) # dot.append(np.sum((A.T*(s)).T,axis=0)) cross.append(np.cross(A,s,axisa=0)) x = np.ravel_multi_index(neigh_step,bd_pad.shape) ind_shift.append(x) step_ok.append(np.logical_and.reduce((bd_pad[neigh_step], lab_pad[neigh_step]==lab_pad[neigh_bd], # dot1[bd_pad[coord]]>0, # dot2[bd_pad[coord]]>np.cos(3*np.pi/4), ))) if get_bd: is_bd = np.any([np.logical_and(a1,a2) for a1,a2 in zip(angles1,angles2)],axis=0) bd_pad = np.zeros_like(mask_pad) bd_pad[coord] = is_bd return bd_pad else: step_ok = np.stack(step_ok) ind_shift = np.array(ind_shift) cross = np.stack(cross) dot = np.stack(dot) return step_ok, ind_shift, cross, dot # possible optimization with ind_shift = np.ravel_multi_index(neighbors,mask.shape)
[docs]@njit('(int64[:,:], int32[:], int32[:], int64[:], int64[:,:], float64[:,:], boolean[:,:])', nogil=True) def parametrize(steps, labs, unique_L, inds, ind_shift, values, step_ok): """Parametrize 2D boundaries.""" sign = np.sum(np.abs(steps),axis=1) cardinal_mask = sign>1 # limit to cardinal steps for traversing contours = [] for l in unique_L: indices = np.argwhere(labs==l).flatten() # which spots within the inds list etc. are the boundary we want # just loop, manually calculate the best step, and proceed index = indices[0] # starting point, this may not be best; should choose one that would be an endpoint of a skel closed = 0 contour = [] n_iter = 0 while not closed and n_iter<len(indices)+1: contour.append(inds[index]) # first step: find list of local points neighbor_inds = ind_shift[:,index] step_ok_here = step_ok[:,index] seen = np.array([i in contour for i in neighbor_inds]) step_mask = (seen+cardinal_mask+~step_ok_here)>0 # save a smidge of time this way vs logical_or vals = values[:,index] vals[step_mask] = np.inf # avoid these points with min if np.sum(step_mask)<len(step_mask): # 1.1 ms faster than np.any(~step_mask) select = np.argmin(vals) neighbor_idx = neighbor_inds[select] w = np.argwhere(inds[indices]==neighbor_idx)[0][0] # find within limited list index = indices[w] n_iter += 1 else: closed = True contours.append(contour) return contours
[docs]def get_contour(labels,affinity_graph,coords=None,neighbors=None,cardinal_only=True): """Sort 2D boundaries into cyclic paths. Parameters: ----------- labels: 2D array, int label matrix affinity_graph: 2D array, bool pixel affinity array, 9 by number of foreground pixels """ dim = labels.ndim steps,inds,idx,fact,sign = utils.kernel_setup(dim) if cardinal_only: allowed_inds = np.concatenate(inds[1:2]) else: allowed_inds = np.concatenate(inds[1:]) shape = labels.shape coords = np.nonzero(labels) if coords is None else coords neighbors = utils.get_neighbors(coords,steps,dim,shape) if neighbors is None else neighbors indexes, neigh_inds, ind_matrix = utils.get_neigh_inds(neighbors,coords,shape) csum = np.sum(affinity_graph,axis=0) # determine what movements are allowed step_ok = np.zeros(affinity_graph.shape,bool) # print('AA',affinity_graph.dtype,csum.dtype,neigh_inds.dtype) # s = allowed_inds[0] # print('BB',affinity_graph[s].shape, csum[neigh_inds[s]].shape,neigh_inds[s].shape) for s in allowed_inds: step_ok[s] = np.logical_and.reduce((affinity_graph[s]>0, # must be connected csum[neigh_inds[s]]<(3**dim-1), # but the target must also be a boundary , neigh_inds[s]>-1 # must not be background, should NOT have to have this here? )) # bd_coords = np.array(np.nonzero(bd_pad)) # bd_inds = np.ravel_multi_index(bd_coords,bd_pad.shape) # labs = np.take(lab_pad,bd_inds) # bd_inds = np.nonzero(csum<(3**dim-1)) labs = labels[coords] unique_L = fastremap.unique(labs) np.argmin(csum) contours = parametrize_contours(steps,np.int32(labs),np.int32(unique_L),neigh_inds,step_ok, csum) contour_map = np.zeros(shape,dtype=np.int32) for contour in contours: # coords_t = np.unravel_index(contour,shape) coords_t = tuple([c[contour] for c in coords]) contour_map[coords_t] = np.arange(1,len(contour)+1) # contour_map[coords_t] = contour return contour_map, contours, unique_L
# @njit('(int64[:,:], int32[:], int32[:], int64[:,:], float64[:,:])', nogil=True)
[docs]@njit def parametrize_contours(steps, labs, unique_L, neigh_inds, step_ok, csum): """Helper function to sort 2D contours into cyclic paths. See get_contour().""" sign = np.sum(np.abs(steps),axis=1) contours = [] s0 = 4 for l in unique_L: sel = labs==l indices = np.argwhere(sel).flatten() # which spots within the inds list etc. are the boundary we want # just loop, manually calculate the best step, and proceed # index = indices[0] # starting point, this may not be best; should choose one that would be an endpoint of a skel index = indices[np.argmin(csum[sel])] closed = 0 contour = [] n_iter = 0 while not closed and n_iter<len(indices)+1: contour.append(neigh_inds[s0,index]) #<<< might want to replace the 4 # first step: find list of local points neighbor_inds = neigh_inds[:,index] step_ok_here = step_ok[:,index] seen = np.array([i in contour for i in neighbor_inds]) possible_steps = np.logical_and(step_ok_here, ~seen) if np.sum(possible_steps)>0: possible_step_indices = np.nonzero(possible_steps)[0] if len(possible_step_indices)==1: select = possible_step_indices[0] else: # There should only ever be multiple options at the start # (maybe that could break down with "just boundary" sections... fix with persistence) # break the tie with preferring counterclockwise consider_steps = steps[possible_step_indices] best = np.argmin(np.array([np.sum(s*steps[3]) for s in consider_steps])) select = possible_step_indices[best] neighbor_idx = neighbor_inds[select] index = neighbor_idx n_iter += 1 else: closed = True contours.append(contour) return contours
# @njit
[docs]def get_neigh_inds(coords,shape,steps): """ For L pixels and S steps, find the neighboring pixel indexes 0,1,...,L for each step. Background index is -1. Returns: Parameters ---------- coords: tuple or ND array coordinates of nonzero pixels, <dim>x<npix> shape: tuple or list, int shape of the image array steps: ND array, int list or array of ND steps to neighbors Returns ------- indexes: 1D array list of pixel indexes 0,1,...L-1 neigh_inds: 2D array SxL array corresponding to affinity graph ind_matrix: ND array indexes inserted into the ND image volume """ npix = len(coords[1]) indexes = np.arange(npix) ind_matrix = -np.ones(shape,int) ind_matrix[tuple(coords)] = indexes neigh_inds = [] for s in steps: neigh = tuple(coords+s[np.newaxis].T) neigh_indices = ind_matrix[neigh] neigh_inds.append(neigh_indices) neigh_inds = np.array(neigh_inds) return indexes, neigh_inds, ind_matrix
[docs]def divergence_torch(y): dim = y.shape[1] dims = [k for k in range(-dim,0)] return torch.stack([torch.gradient(y[:,k],dim=k)[0] for k in dims]).sum(dim=0)
# def divergence_torch(y): # dim = y.shape[1] # return torch.stack([torch.gradient(y[:, k], axis=k+1)[0] for k in range(dim)]).sum(dim=0) # def divergence_torch_optimized(y): # B, D, *DIMS = y.shape # div = torch.zeros([B,*DIMS], dtype=y.dtype, device=y.device) # for d in range(-D,0): # div += torch.gradient(y[:, d], dim=d)[0] # # for d in range(D): # # print(y[:,d].shape,d) # # div += torch.gradient(y[:, d], dim=d+1)[0] # return div # def gradient_torch(y, dim): # grad = (y[..., 2:-1] - y[..., :-3]) / 2 # grad =[..., :1] - y[..., 1:2], grad, y[..., -2:-1] - y[..., -3:-2]), dim=dim) # return grad # def divergence_torch(y): # B, D, *DIMS = y.shape # div = torch.zeros([B,*DIMS], dtype=y.dtype, device=y.device) # for d in range(D): # div += gradient_torch(y[:, d], dim=d+1) # return div def _get_affinity_torch(initial, final, flow, dist, iscell, steps, fact, niter, euler_offset=None, angle_cutoff=np.pi/2.5): # angle_cutoff=np.pi/2): # angle_cutoff=np.pi/1.5): # angle_cutoff=np.pi/3): # angle_cutoff=np.pi/10): # angle_cutoff=np.pi/4): # compute the displacment vector field mu = final - initial # mu = flow # Get the shape of the tensor B, D, *DIMS = mu.shape S = len(steps) # I think the new strategy is to fill in the arrays for each step # then take acos on the full cosine array for thresholding div = divergence_torch(flow) # div = divergence_torch(mu) # NOTE: my original code still uses the flow field prediciton as mu here, # but easier to experiment here and indeed using displacemnet is much more robust without despurring # thus mI might want to change the main loop as well somehow... # actually the thing here is that the scale might be all wrong... # so divergence as computed now may be too crude, and I need a better metric for if there is inward flow # so that i can connect inner parts of the cell. mag = utils.torch_norm(mu,dim=1,keepdim=True) # mag = torch.linalg.norm(mu,dim=1,keepdim=True) mu_norm = torch.where(mag>0,mu/mag,mu) # avoids dividing during loop cos = torch.stack([(mu_norm * mu_norm).sum(dim=1)]*S) # div = divergence_torch(mu_norm) # print('debug', torch.sum(iscell), torch.max(mag), torch.mean(mag.squeeze()[iscell]), torch.mean(utils.torch_norm(mu_norm,dim=1,keepdim=False)[iscell])) div_cutoff = 1/3 # this alone follows internal boundaries quite well # div_cutoff = 0.1 # though sometimes not... # div_cutoff = 1-1/np.sqrt(2) # almost 0.3 vs .3333... # div # div_cutoff = 0.45 # this is a bit arbitrary, but it seems to work well # wold be better to have some local criterion # div_cutoff = 1/3 if euler_offset is None: euler_offset = 2*np.sqrt(D) # euler_offset = D # print('debug',niter, np.sqrt(niter), np.sqrt(niter/2),torch.mean(dist[dist>0])) use_flow = 1 if use_flow: # print('using predicted flow for mag cutoff') mag_cutoff = .5 mag = utils.torch_norm(flow,dim=1,keepdim=True) # alternate on real flow, better for catching boundary faults due to low mag flows else: # mag_cutoff = np.sqrt(D) # could be higher or based on niter mag_cutoff = 3 slow = mag<mag_cutoff # sink = div<div_cutoff # sink = dist>D # this is actually much more rubust? sink = dist>np.sqrt(niter/2) # niter based on the mean distance field, no need to recompute that # sink = dist>torch.mean(dist[dist>0])/2 shape = cos.shape device = cos.device is_sink = torch.zeros(shape,dtype=torch.bool,device=device) # define step slices # this preallocation is another great example why using [[]*D]*S is a very bad idea source_slices, target_slices = [[[[] for _ in range(D)] for _ in range(S)] for _ in range(2)] # instead of computing divergence with built-in gradient, I can do it manually # this is more precise, but still dodn't really show any improvement # div = torch.zeros_like(div) s1,s2,s3 = slice(1,None), slice(0,-1), slice(None,None) for i in range(S): for j in range(D): s = steps[i][j] target_slices[i][j], source_slices[i][j] = (s1,s2) if s>0 else (s2,s1) if s<0 else (s3,s3) for i in range(S//2): # appears to work # Create slices for the in-bounds region target_slc = (Ellipsis,)+tuple(target_slices[i]) source_slc = (Ellipsis,)+tuple(source_slices[i]) # Pairs that have one in a sink region is_sink[i][source_slc] = is_sink[-(i+1)][target_slc] = torch.logical_or(sink[source_slc],sink[target_slc]) # Compute the cosine of the angle between all pairs in this direction cos[i][source_slc] = cos[-(i+1)][target_slc] = (mu_norm[target_slc] * mu_norm[source_slc]).sum(dim=1) # this criterion sets connectivity based on the angle between the two vectors # I wonder if this angle should depend on cardinal vs ordinal... is_parallel = torch.acos(cos.clamp(-1,1))<=angle_cutoff is_parallel[S//2] = 0 # do not allow self connection via this criterion # this is actually superior to my old method, the near condition can have poor behavior on Drad connectivity = torch.logical_or(is_parallel, is_sink) # discard pixels with low connectivity # also take care of background connections here csum = torch.sum(connectivity,axis=0) keep = csum>=D # is this correct? Not so sure anymore... maybe 2 is good for i in range(S//2): target_slc = (Ellipsis,)+tuple(target_slices[i]) source_slc = (Ellipsis,)+tuple(source_slices[i]) # bg = torch.logical_and(iscell[target_slc] == 0, iscell[source_slc] != 0) # print('test symmetry', torch.all(connectivity[i][source_slc] == connectivity[-(i+1)][target_slc])) # clear out connections to background # bg = iscell[target_slc] == 0 # connectivity[i][source_slc][bg] = 0 # bg = iscell[source_slc] == 0 # connectivity[-(i+1)][target_slc][bg] = 0 connectivity[-(i+1)][target_slc] = connectivity[i][source_slc] = torch.logical_and(connectivity[i][source_slc], torch.logical_and(iscell[target_slc],iscell[source_slc])) # print('test symmetry 2 ', torch.all(connectivity[i][source_slc] == connectivity[-(i+1)][target_slc])) connectivity[i][source_slc] = connectivity[-(i+1)][target_slc] = torch.logical_and(connectivity[i][source_slc],keep[source_slc]) # connectivity[i][source_slc] = torch.logical_and(connectivity[i][source_slc],keep[source_slc]) # connectivity[-(i+1)][target_slc] = torch.logical_and(connectivity[-(i+1)][target_slc],keep[target_slc]) # print('test symmetry 3 ', torch.all(connectivity[i][source_slc] == connectivity[-(i+1)][target_slc])) # print('fgdfgdfgdf',final[target_slc].shape,dist[source_slc].shape, connectivity.shape,is_parallel.shape, is_near.shape) # csum = torch.sum(connectivity,axis=0) # print('min connect',csum[csum>0].min()) # might need to add criteria about not being background (background should not be connected to anything) # also the despurring... return connectivity # padding the arrays makes "step indexing" really easy # if this were not done, then the indexing would get werid for boundary pixels def _get_affinity(steps, mask_pad, mu_pad, dt_pad, p, p0, acut=np.pi/2, euler_offset=None, clean_bd_connections=True, pad=0): """ Get the weights associated with the edges of the affinity graph. Here pixels are connected (affinity 1) or disconnected (affinity 0). The particular way I store this affinity graph may also be called an "adjacency list". """ axes = range(mu_pad.shape[0]) # coord = np.nonzero(mask_pad) # should this not just be inds/p0? # print('coord',np.all(coord==p0),p.shape,p0.shape) yes it is coord = tuple(p0) coords = np.stack(coord) div = divergence(mu_pad) # steps are laid out symmetrically the 0,0,0 in center, but I was getting off results d = mask_pad.ndim steps, inds, idx, fact, sign = utils.kernel_setup(d) # non_self = np.concatenate(inds[1:]) non_self = np.array(list(set(np.arange(len(steps)))-{inds[0][0]})) # I need these to be in order if euler_offset is None: euler_offset = 2*np.sqrt(d) # euler_offset = d shape = mask_pad.shape # These functions are incredibly important, as they define neighbor coordinates everywhere # INCLUDING at boundaries. Before, I had to pad by 1 to ensure neighbor indexing would not go over. neighbors = utils.get_neighbors(coord,steps,d,shape, pad=pad) # shape (d,3**d,npix) indexes, neigh_inds, ind_matrix = utils.get_neigh_inds(tuple(neighbors),coord,shape)#,background_reflect=True) # indexes, neigh_inds, ind_matrix = get_neigh_inds(coords,shape,steps) S,L = neigh_inds.shape connect = np.zeros((S,L),dtype=bool) # cutoff for flow_cutoff = 1 div_cutoff = 0 # central pixel operations factored out of the loop pix_A = p[(Ellipsis,)+coord] A = pix_A-p0[:, indexes] # displacement at each pixel mag_A = np.sqrt(np.sum(A**2,axis=0)) slow = mag_A<flow_cutoff sink = div[coord]<div_cutoff mask_A = mask_pad[coord] dt_pad_A = dt_pad[coord] # Including the [0,0] step gives 2-connected # we unfortunately cannot use just half the steps because directionality is not symmetrical # i.e. self-referencing does not work here with -1 targets and using the neighbor in the opposing # direction to lookup the right index. Unfortunately, quite a lot of the computation is duplicated... # the point of this method is to stick to foregorund pixels, but that adds complexity. Doing this in # torch over all pixels at once would probably be faster. # for i in range(S//2): for i in non_self: # non-self 4x faster than range(S), barely slower than range(S//2) s = steps[i] neigh_indices = neigh_inds[i] # linear indices of pixel neighbors in this direction # earlier approach: -1 targets were excluded # this means that the number of pixels being considered changes depeding on direction sel = neigh_indices>-1 # non-foreground pixels have index -1, and that would mess up indexing source_inds = indexes[sel] # we therefore only deal with source pixels that have a valid target target_inds = neigh_indices[source_inds] # and these are the corresponding valid targets target = tuple(neighbors[:,i,source_inds]) pix_B = pix_A[:,target_inds] B = pix_B - p0[:,target_inds] # displacement at neighbor cosAB = utils.safe_divide(np.sum(np.multiply(A[:,source_inds],B),axis=0), mag_A[source_inds] * mag_A[target_inds]) angleAB = np.arccos(cosAB.clip(-1,1)) # angleAB[np.logical_xor(mask_A[source_inds],mask_A[target_inds])] = np.pi # background is opposite angleAB[~mask_A[target_inds]] = np.pi # background is opposite # see if connected in forward direction by thresholding on squared distance of end location sepAB = np.sum((pix_B - pix_A[:,source_inds])**2,axis=0) # threshold determined by average of distance fields # cutoff must be symmetrical scut = (euler_offset+np.mean((dt_pad_A[source_inds],dt_pad[target]),axis=0))**2 # We want pixels that do not move to be internal, connected everywhere is_slow = np.logical_or(slow[source_inds],slow[target_inds]) is_sink = np.logical_or(sink[source_inds],sink[target_inds]) # a slow pixel at the skeleton should be internal # or otherwise pixels that get closer together with somewhat parallel flows isconnectAB = np.logical_or(np.logical_and(is_slow,is_sink), np.logical_and(sepAB<scut,np.logical_or(angleAB<=acut,is_sink)) ) # assign symmetrical connectivity connect[i,source_inds] = connect[-(i+1),target_inds] = isconnectAB # Since this is overwriting, it is still not perfectly symmetrical... # for i in non_self: # s = steps[i] # neigh_indices = neigh_inds[i] # linear indices of pixel neighbors in this direction # # earlier approach: -1 targets were excluded # # this means that the number of pixels being considered changes depeding on direction # sel = neigh_indices>-1 # non-foreground pixels have index -1, and that would mess up indexing # source_inds = indexes[sel] # we therefore only deal with source pixels that have a valid target # target_inds = neigh_indices[source_inds] # and these are the corresponding valid targets # target = tuple(neighbors[:,i,source_inds]) # print(i,np.sum(connect[i,source_inds] != connect[-(i+1),target_inds])) # boundary cleanup # discard pixels with low connectivity csum = np.sum(connect,axis=0) crop = csum<d for i in non_self: target = neigh_inds[i,crop] # neighbors from which to delete connections connect[i,crop] = 0 # delete connection from nbeighbor to self connect[-(i+1),target[target>-1]] = 0 # delete connection from self to neighbor return connect, neighbors, neigh_inds # numba will require getting rid of stacking, summation, etc., super annoying... the number of pixels to fix is quite # small in practice, so may not be worth it # @njit('(bool_[:,:], int64[:,:], int64[:], int64[:], int64[:], int64[:], int64, bool_)') def _despur(connect, neigh_inds, indexes, steps, non_self, cardinal, ordinal, dim, clean_bd_connections=True, iter_cutoff=100, skeletonize=False): """Critical cleanup function to get rid of spurious affinities.""" count = 0 delta = True s0 = len(non_self)//2 #<<<<<<<<<<<<<< idx valid_neighs = neigh_inds > -1 # must avoid using -1 index to access array, could also do edges here maybe to avoid padding while delta and count<iter_cutoff: count+=1 before = connect.copy() csum = np.sum(connect,axis=0) # total number of connections for each hypervoxel internal = (csum==(3**dim-1)) # classify those hypervoxels that are "internal" csum_cardinal = np.sum(connect[cardinal],axis=0) # total connections in cardinal directions only # 1st stage of processing removes spur pixels in parallel is_external_spur = csum_cardinal<dim # internal spurs are more subtle. I want to patch missing connections between internal pixels. # One idea is that usually internal pixels should be sandwiched between at leat two other internal pixels. # This always is the case deep inside the graph, but not when close to boundary "folds" that partially surround intenral pixels # However, any such pixels that are detected as spurs just get connected to everyone, so they don't change at all. They simply get # caught every time as a spur. Since that might lead to extra processing, I could try to avoid it by also condiitoning on # the number of internal pixels that are cardinal neighbors. You need at least two cardinal connections (since it always reduces to a line) is_internal = np.stack([internal[neigh_inds[s]] for s in cardinal]) # cardinal neighbor internal classification is_surround = np.sum(is_internal,axis=0)>1 # restrict to only those with 2+ internal cardinal neighbors is_sandwiched = np.any(np.logical_and(is_internal,is_internal[::-1]),axis=0) # flip and or for fast pairwise comparsion is_internal_spur = np.logical_and(is_surround,is_sandwiched) # is_internal_spur = is_sandwiched for i in non_self: target = neigh_inds[i] valid_target = valid_neighs[i] # connection = 0 > remove pixels that are insufficiently connected by severing all connections # connection = 1 > remove internal spur boundary points by restoring all connections for connection,spur in enumerate([is_external_spur,is_internal_spur]): sel = spur*valid_target connect[i,indexes[sel]] = connection # seems to actually be faster than connect[i,sel] connect[-(i+1),target[sel]] = connection # must recompute after those operations were perfomed csum = np.sum(connect,axis=0) internal = csum==(3**dim-1) csum_cardinal = np.sum(connect[cardinal],axis=0) # boundary = np.logical_and(csum<(3**dim-1),csum>0) # right now, boundary criteria more relaxed boundary = np.logical_and(csum<(3**dim-1),csum>=dim) # actually, may not be wise to do the above # the concept of internal-ish is useful for not eating away boundaries too much internal_ish = csum>=((3**dim - 1)//2 + 1) # in cardinal case, all but one cardinal connection # internal_ish_cardinal = csum_cardinal>=((3**dim - 1)//2 + 1) internal_ish_cardinal = csum_cardinal>=(dim + 1) connect_boundary_cardinal = np.stack([np.logical_and(cn,boundary[ni]) for cn,ni in zip(connect[cardinal],neigh_inds[cardinal])]) csum_boundary_cardinal = np.sum(connect_boundary_cardinal,axis=0) # the remaining problematic pixels come from boundary points that are insufficiently connected bad = np.logical_and(boundary,csum_boundary_cardinal<dim) # decide what kind of pixel removal to do if skeletonize: # skeletonize the graph # we want to remove all non-internal pixels as long as they are connected to internal-ish pixels #unfinished bad = 0 else: # get rid of all boundary spurs # the remaining problematic pixels come from boundary points that are insufficiently connected bad = np.logical_and(boundary,csum_boundary_cardinal<dim) is_internal_ordinal = np.stack([internal[neigh_inds[s]] for s in ordinal]) is_internal_spur_ordinal = np.any(np.logical_and(is_internal_ordinal,is_internal_ordinal[::-1]),axis=0) bad = np.logical_or(bad,np.logical_and(boundary,is_internal_spur_ordinal) ) candidate_indexes = indexes[bad] # candidate_indexes = [] for idx in candidate_indexes: check_inds = [neigh_inds[i,idx] for i in non_self] # find the axis 1 indices of these connected pixels to check if clean_bd_connections: connect_inds = [] connect_inds_cardinal = [] # connect_inds = np.nonzero(connect[:,idx])[0] # get the axis 0 indices the pixel is connected to for i in np.nonzero(connect[:,idx])[0]: connect_inds.append(i) if i in cardinal: connect_inds_cardinal.append(i) check_inds = [neigh_inds[i,idx] for i in connect_inds] check_inds_cardinal = [neigh_inds[i,idx] for i in connect_inds_cardinal] boundary_connect = np.sum(np.array([boundary[i] for i in check_inds_cardinal])) internal_connect = np.sum(np.array([internal[i] for i in check_inds])) is_bad_bd = boundary_connect<dim #or internal_connect>3**(dim-1) # reconnect or disconnect pixels based on shared connections if is_bad_bd: # for ax0,ax1 in [[cardinal,ordinal],[ordinal,cardinal]]: for ax0,ax1 in [[cardinal,ordinal]]: neigh = neigh_inds[ax0,idx] # cardinal neighbors of the current pixel for i in ax0: if connect[i,idx]: # if connected to a cardinal point target = neigh_inds[i,idx] # index of the pixel we are pointing to for o in ax1: t = neigh_inds[o,target] # ordinal neighbor of this neighbor pixel if t in neigh: # if np.any(neigh==t): # slower # w = np.argwhere(neigh==t)[0][0] w = np.flatnonzero(neigh==t)[0] k = ax0[w] c = (connect[o,target] and connect[k,idx]) and t>-1 and target>-1 connect[o,target] = c # then disconnect the target pixel from it connect[-(o+1),t] = c # and disconnect this other pixel from the target pixel # fascinatingly, this boundary cleanup makes the distance thresholding much less important # it tends to throw away any spurious boundaries anyhow; some edge cells can look a bit strange though # plus you are processing more pixels after = connect.copy() delta = np.any(before!=after) if count>=iter_cutoff-1: print('run over iterations',count) return connect #5x speedup using njit # @njit() # def affinity_to_edges(affinity_graph,neigh_inds,step_inds,px_inds): # """Convert affinity graph to list of edge tuples for connected components labeling.""" # edge_list = [] # for s in step_inds: # for p in px_inds: # if affinity_graph[s,p]: # edge_list.append((p,neigh_inds[s][p])) # return edge_list # @njit() # def affinity_to_edges(affinity_graph,neigh_inds,step_inds,px_inds): # """Convert symmetric affinity graph to list of edge tuples for connected components labeling.""" # edge_list = [] # for s in step_inds: # for p in px_inds: # if p <= neigh_inds[s][p] and affinity_graph[s,p]: # upper triangular # edge_list.append((p,neigh_inds[s][p])) # return edge_list # this version is a lot faster. igraph takes longer to initialize, however.
[docs]@njit() def affinity_to_edges(affinity_graph,neigh_inds,step_inds,px_inds): """Convert symmetric affinity graph to list of edge tuples for connected components labeling.""" n_edges = len(step_inds) * len(px_inds) edge_list = np.empty((n_edges, 2), dtype=np.int64) # edge_list = [(-1,-1)] * n_edges # Preallocate list with placeholder tuples idx = 0 for s in step_inds: for p in px_inds: if p <= neigh_inds[s][p] and affinity_graph[s,p]: # upper triangular edge_list[idx] = (p,neigh_inds[s][p]) idx += 1 return edge_list[:idx] # return only the portion edge_list that contins edges
# return [e for e in edge_list[:idx]]
[docs]def affinity_to_masks(affinity_graph,neigh_inds,iscell, coords, cardinal=True, exclude_interior=False, return_edges=False, verbose=False): """ Convert affinity graph to label matrix using connected components.""" if verbose: startTime = time.time() nstep,npix = affinity_graph.shape # just run on the edges csum = np.sum(affinity_graph,axis=0) dim = iscell.ndim boundary = np.logical_and(csum<(3**dim-1),csum>=dim) if exclude_interior: px_inds = np.nonzero(boundary)[0] else: px_inds = np.arange(npix) if cardinal and not exclude_interior: step_inds = utils.kernel_setup(dim)[1][1] # get the cardinal indices else: print('yo') # step_inds = np.concatenate(utils.kernel_setup(dim)[1]) step_inds = np.arange(nstep) # step_inds = np.concatenate(utils.kernel_setup(dim)[1][:2]) # get the center and cardinal indices # step_inds = utils.get_steps(dim) edge_list = affinity_to_edges(affinity_graph,neigh_inds,step_inds,px_inds) # tic=time.time() # edge_list = list(edge_list) # faster to just let igraph handle it # edge_list = edge_list.tolist() #slower # edge_list = [e for e in edge_list] #about the same as tolist # print('el shape',np.array(edge_list).shape) g = Graph(n=npix, edges=edge_list) # print('gt',time.time()-tic) labels = np.zeros(iscell.shape,dtype=int) # coords = np.nonzero(iscell) # pass in instead # print('coords',np.stack(coords).shape, npix, len(edge_list), affinity_graph.shape) for i,nodes in enumerate(g.connected_components()): labels[tuple([c[nodes] for c in coords])] = i+1 if len(nodes)>1 else 0 if exclude_interior: # we only labeled the boundary, so fill the rest in # might be a faster way of doing this labels = ncolor.expand_labels(labels)*iscell # get rid of any mask labels that didn't ultimately get connected # btw, could figure out a way to snap those pixels to nearest and fix the local connectivity # to have correct boundaries if I so desired... # coords = np.argwhere(iscell) coords = np.stack(coords).T # no need to recompute np.argwhere(iscell), but needs reshaping gone = neigh_inds[(3**dim)//2,csum<dim] # discard anything without dim connections labels[tuple(coords[gone].T)] = 0 if verbose: executionTime = (time.time() - startTime)'affinity_to_masks(cardinal={}) execution time: {:.3g} sec'.format(cardinal,executionTime)) if return_edges: # for debugging return labels, edge_list, coords, px_inds else: return labels
[docs]def boundary_to_affinity(masks,boundaries): """ This function converts boundary+interior labels to an affinity graph. Boundaries are taken to have label 1,2,...,N and interior pixels have some value M>N. This format is the best way I have found to annotate self-contact cells. """ # d = masks.ndim # coords = np.nonzero(masks) # idx = (3**d)//2 # the index of the center pixel is placed here when considering the neighbor kernel # neigh = [[-1,0,1] for i in range(d)] # steps = cartesian(neigh) # all the possible step sequences in ND # neighbors = np.array([np.add.outer(coords[i],steps[:,i]) for i in range(d)]).swapaxes(-1,-2) d = masks.ndim steps, inds, idx, fact, sign = utils.kernel_setup(d) coords = np.nonzero(masks) neighbors = utils.get_neighbors(coords,steps,d,masks.shape) # # get indices of the hupercubes sharing m-faces on the central n-cube # sign = np.sum(np.abs(steps),axis=1) # signature distinguishing each kind of m-face via the number of steps # uniq = fastremap.unique(sign) # inds = [np.where(sign==i)[0] for i in uniq] # 2D: [4], [1,3,5,7], [0,2,6,8]. 1-7 are y axis, 3-5 are x, etc. # fact = np.sqrt(uniq) # weighting factor for each hypercube group # Determine Neighbors # We need to construct an "affinity graph", a matrix if N pixels by M neighbors defined by `steps` above. # Pixels fall into three categories: interior, exterior, and boundary. Boundary points need need to be # connected to interior points, but also be connected to each other along a contour. This code assumes that # a correct boundary has been generated. neighbor_masks = masks[tuple(neighbors)] #extract list of label values, coords = np.nonzero(masks) neighbor_bd = boundaries[tuple(neighbors)] #extract list of boundary values neighbor_int = np.logical_xor(neighbor_masks,neighbor_bd) #internal pixels isneighbor = np.stack([neighbor_int[idx]]*len(steps)) # initialize with all interla pixels connected subinds = np.concatenate(inds[1:]) mags = np.array([np.linalg.norm(s) for s in steps]) for i,step,sgn in zip(subinds,steps[subinds],sign[subinds]): # I basically do a bindary hit-miss operator here, defining a set of internal pixels relative to each step. # At least one of these pixels needs to be present in order for the connection in that step to be True. # This allows pixels on one side of a 2-px boundary to be connected while not connecting to pixels on the other side. # I should do a bit more testing to see if the additonal ORs are necessary. sm = mags[i] dot = np.array([,s)/(m*sm) if m>0 else 0 for s,m in zip(steps,mags)]) #dot of normalized vectors u = np.sqrt(d) dot_cutoff = sm / np.sqrt( sm**2 + u**2 ) dottest = np.logical_and(dot-dot_cutoff>=-1e-4,dot<=1) indices = np.argwhere(np.logical_or(dottest, # either inside the forward cone np.logical_and(sign==1,dot>=0) # or perpendicular in cardinal direction )).flatten() isneighbor[i] = np.logical_or.reduce((np.any(neighbor_int[indices],axis=0), # if a qualifying adjacent pixel is internal neighbor_int[i], # target is internal isneighbor[i] # or the source is internal )) return isneighbor
from skimage.segmentation import expand_labels # hmm so in fact binary internal masks would work too # the assumption is simply that the inner masks are separated by 2px boundaries
[docs]def boundary_to_masks(boundaries, binary_mask=None, min_size=9, dist=np.sqrt(2),connectivity=1): nlab = len(fastremap.unique(np.uint32(boundaries))) # 0-1-2 format can also work here if binary_mask is None: if nlab==3: inner_mask = boundaries==1 else: omnipose_logger.warning('boundary labels improperly formatted') else: inner_mask = remove_small_objects(measure.label((1-boundaries)*binary_mask,connectivity=connectivity),min_size=min_size) # bounds = find_boundaries(masks0,mode='outer') masks = expand_labels(inner_mask,dist) # need to generalize dist to fact in ND <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< # bounds = masks - inner_mask inner_bounds = (masks - inner_mask) > 0 outer_bounds = find_boundaries(masks,mode='inner',connectivity=masks.ndim) #ensure that the mask interfaces are d-1-connected bounds = np.logical_or(inner_bounds,outer_bounds) #restore the inner boundaries return masks, bounds, inner_mask
[docs]def split_spacetime(augmented_affinity,mask,verbose=False): """ Split lineage labels into frame-by-frame labels and Cell ID / spacetime labeling. """ shape = mask.shape dim = mask.ndim neighbors = augmented_affinity[:dim] affinity_graph = augmented_affinity[dim] idx = affinity_graph.shape[0]//2 coords = tuple(neighbors[:,idx]) steps, inds, idx, fact, sign = utils.kernel_setup(dim) step_inds = inds[1] # cardinal only npix = augmented_affinity.shape[-1] px_inds = np.arange(npix) sidx = np.nonzero(steps[:,0]==0)[0] # which indexes correspond to spatial-only steps tidx = np.nonzero(steps[:,0])[0] # which indexes correspond to steps in (space)time prun_ag = affinity_graph.copy() prun_ag[tidx] = 0 # zero out all connections to timelike steps indexes, neigh_inds, ind_matrix = utils.get_neigh_inds(tuple(neighbors), tuple(coords), shape) lbl = affinity_to_masks(prun_ag, neigh_inds, mask>0, coords, verbose=verbose) label_list = lbl[coords] # time_steps = np.nonzero([np.all(s == [0,0]) for s in steps[:,-(dim-1):]])[0] # no spatial component time_steps = np.nonzero(np.all(steps ==[1,0,0],axis=1))[0] # only the forward step, fewer links to handle edge_list = affinity_to_edges(affinity_graph, neigh_inds, time_steps, # if we used step_inds, i.e. all steps, we would get spatial connections too px_inds) link_inds = np.nonzero(edge_list[:,0]!=edge_list[:,1])[0] # non-self links links = np.take(label_list, edge_list[link_inds]) # these are the frame-to-frame label links # get rid of connections to zero? sel = np.nonzero(np.logical_and(links[:,0]!=0,links[:,1]!=0))[0] links = links[sel] edge_list = edge_list[sel] unique_pairs,link_counts = fastremap.unique(links,axis=0,return_counts=True) uniq,cts = fastremap.unique(unique_pairs[:,0],return_counts=True) division_inds = np.nonzero(cts==2)[0] mothers = uniq[division_inds] mothers,len(link_counts) # now that I know where division happens in my link list, I can use this to prune the original affinity grpah to create logs # for eahc division, simply remove all connections with a negative time step component # but this will need to be done symmetrically, of course... t_fwd = np.nonzero(steps[:,0]==1)[0] t_bwd = np.nonzero(steps[:,0]==-1)[0] log_affinity_graph = affinity_graph.copy() # I suspect there is some spur funny business going on # th for mother in mothers: # find the daugheters mother_inds = np.nonzero(unique_pairs[:,0]==mother)[0] # should be exactly two here daughters = np.array([unique_pairs[k][1] for k in mother_inds]) daughter_counts = np.array([link_counts[k] for k in mother_inds]) # links from mother to daughter # but the daughter could also be connected to mother, as there was no symmetry check? # daughter_inds = [np.nonzero(unique_pairs[:,0]==daughter)[0] for daughter in daughters] # mother_counts = [np.array([link_counts[k] for k in di]) for di in daughter_inds] # print(daughter_inds,mother_counts) if verbose: print('mother {}, daughters {}, daughter counts {}'.format(mother,daughters,daughter_counts)) midx = np.nonzero(label_list==mother)[0] didx = [np.nonzero(label_list==d)[0] for d in daughters] # print(didx) # if np.all([x>timelike_cutoff for x in daughter_counts]): dmin = daughter_counts.min() dmax = daughter_counts.max() # for di in didx: # # delete connections from daughter to mother # hits = np.isin(neigh_inds[:,di],midx) # log_affinity_graph[:,di] = np.where(hits, 0, log_affinity_graph[:,di]) #this is one way # # delete connections from mother to daughter # hits = np.isin(neigh_inds[:,midx],di) # log_affinity_graph[:,midx] = np.where(hits, 0, log_affinity_graph[:,midx]) if dmin/dmax>0.1: # a generous fraction for binary fission or splitting into multiple roughly equal cells if verbose: print('real\n') # print(label_list[midx]) # delete connections forward in time for the mother sel = np.ix_(t_fwd,midx) log_affinity_graph[sel] = 0 # I forgot to do this symmetically hits = np.isin(neigh_inds[t_bwd],midx) log_affinity_graph[t_bwd] = np.where(hits, 0, log_affinity_graph[t_bwd]) # delete connections backward in time for the daughters for di in didx: # print(label_list[di]) sel = np.ix_(t_bwd,di) log_affinity_graph[sel] = 0 # I forgot to do this symmetically hits = np.isin(neigh_inds[t_fwd],di) log_affinity_graph[t_fwd] = np.where(hits, 0, log_affinity_graph[t_fwd]) else: # otherwsie delete the spurious connections, not every single connection # unfortunately not just pruning entire not_real = np.nonzero(daughter_counts<=dmin)[0] print('insufficient temporal connection inds:',not_real) for k in not_real: di = didx[k] daughter = daughters[k] print('info',len(midx),len(di),'daughter',daughter) # delete backward connections sel = np.ix_(t_bwd,di) hits = np.isin(neigh_inds[sel],midx) log_affinity_graph[sel] = np.where(hits, 0, log_affinity_graph[sel]) # delete forward connections sel = np.ix_(t_fwd,midx) hits = np.isin(neigh_inds[sel],di) log_affinity_graph[sel] = np.where(hits, 0, log_affinity_graph[sel]) print('\n') # should also handle removal from mother tracking links logs = affinity_to_masks(log_affinity_graph,neigh_inds,mask>0, coords,verbose=verbose) return lbl, logs